Negative emotions can be described as any feeling which causes you to be miserable and sad. These emotions make you dislike yourself and others, and take away your confidence. Negative emotions can dampen your enthusiasm for life, depending on how long you let them affect you.
🐍 Namaste lovely souls. It's time for Sunday Vibes.
💀Negative emotions stop you from thinking and behaving rationally and seeing situations in their true perspective. This only prolongs the anger or grief and prevents you from enjoying life. The longer this goes on, the more entrenched the problem becomes. Dealing with negative emotions inappropriately can also be harmful. However you should not bottle them up either, which is harmful for your body. It's important to acknowledge emotions, especially distressing ones, and airing them from time to time is as important. A positive attitude is important in having success in life. Negative thinking can have a devastating impact on all aspects of our lives. Getting drawn into a pattern of negative thinking can be likened to building a prison in your own mind. It holds you captive. It's always possible to turn things around and cultivate inner peace and happiness. With proper understanding and a little practice you can transform your life from the inside out. If I can do it, why can't you! Don’t blow things out of proportion by going over them time and again in your mind. Try to accept that bad feelings are occasionally unavoidable and think of ways to make yourself feel better. Recognise negative thought patterns which serve no real purpose and directly cause negative emotions, which are a reflection of our thoughts. Once you identify these thought patterns as they occur you can start to have a choice about how to react.

When any bad thought arises, ask yourself "is it useful?" If not then let to go. Think of something thats pleasant. This repeated process will prevent useless thoughts from bothering you. Learn to Relax, read, walk or talk to a friend. Exercise, it lowers your level of stress and allows you to cope better with negative emotions. Avoid negative people who insist on daily drama and negative talk. They produce negative vibes and the whole aura becomes negative. Even if this includes your family, you can avoid them. Let go of the past, constantly going over negative events robs you of the present and makes you feel bad!! Love, light & Peace

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~ Blessed Day!

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