Friday, 15 September 2017

At a critical moment in the Mahabharatha, Arjuna, the great warrior, is tired of fighting.

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At a critical moment in the Mahabharatha, Arjuna, the great warrior, is tired of fighting. He has reached the point where he questions the value of fighting, the purpose of it, and whether or not he has the strength to continue. This doubt is almost paralyzing for Arjuna as fighting is a challenge, but fighting against his family is almost an insurmountable entity for him. His doubt, his questioning, his reticence to continue represent the moment where Krishna, as the universal Lord Vishvarupa, appears and guides Arjuna. Krishna, being Arjuna's charioteer, rises to the heavens and answers Arjuna's query. Krishna reminds Arjuna that what needs to be done is not something that has to be examined for its own reward, but rather should be done because it is one's duty. The fruit of the labor holds no importance as opposed to the labor itself. Arjuna's dharma, his duty, is something that has to be done.
Having spoken thus, Lord Krishna, demonstrated to Arjuna the Universal Form, Vishvarupa. The colossal and unimaginable form of the Lord was a true vision, comprising countless eyes and mouths and mystic forms innumerable, with glistening ornaments and blazing celestial weapons. The visionary form was crowned with divine garlands, clothed in shining garments, anointed with divine unction; Krishna demonstrated Himself as the Resplendent One, Marvellous, Unbounded and Omnipresent.
In that lifetime vision Arjuna witnessed the universe, with its manifold shapes, all encompassed within One, its Supreme Lord. The universal form of Krishna, Vishvarupa was without beginning, without middle and without an end; He was infinite in His prowess, His arms all-embracing like the sun and moon and His eyes, His face was as if radiating with the fire of sacrifice, inundating the whole universe with light. Krishna alone had filled all the quarters of the sky, earth and heaven and the regions within.
At this moment, Arjuna understands his dharma, his purpose as he has beheld something that few others have and comprehends his purpose in an "other worldly" manner. This infinite level of comprehension allows Arjuna to see things as they truly are. Krishna appears as the Visvarupa once and this becomes enough to drive Arjuna, and Krishna's conception of justice and ethics, to victory. 🕉👁📿🌀🐚🔔🎨🙏
Om Namo Narayana ~ Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya Namah 🐚🌀
Jai Shri Vishnu! Shubh Ratri 🐚🕉🙏

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