Shiva is our refuge and Shiva is our strength. Though the earth should change and though the mountains slip, Shiva won't abandon us. He is the God of the impossible, know this and let your hearts not be troubled. Remember, You are never given more than you can handle. Adversity builds character, strength and maturity. Every experience, every interaction, no matter how bad it might seem, has the ability to shape you, to mould you, and to help you become the person you were born to be. And if life gives you a lot to deal with, it is only because it knows how powerful you truly are, and it wants you to discover the courage, the wisdom and the strength that lie deep within you. You were born with wings. Learn to use them and fly! Discover thyself. There is so much strength, so much beauty, so much wisdom and so much power within you. Always has been and always will be. And if you dare to believe in yourself as much as you would want others to believe in you, and if you dare to dream and live your life as if there were no limits to what you could do, be and have, then in time, you will discover that, You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. Rise and shine. Always remember that your life is yours to live, and you should live it your way without being too concerned with what others think. You have your own path to walk upon, your unique purpose to fulfil, and no matter how tempting it might be to put your life on hold just because those around you are asking for it, you should never do it. The relationship you have with your own soul, with your life purpose and with your path in life is the most important relationship in your life. This is a sacred relationship, value yourself! You are strong, you are powerful, you are beautiful!! Love, Light & Peace ~

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev!!
Blessed Day Beautiful Souls

Blessed Day Beautiful Souls

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