An Uttarakhand village hasn’t forgiven Hanuman for defacing their holy mountain. Till today, temples in Drongiri village refuse to house idols of Lord Hanuman. The people of a Himalayan village still haven’t forgiven Hanuman ji for disfiguring the mountain on which the plant Sanjeevani grew.
The sanjivani is best known for its appearance in the Valmiki Ramayana. According to this epic, when Rama was battling Ravan in far-off Sri Lanka in order to rescue his wife, Sita, from the Sri Lankan ruler’s clutches, his brother Lakshman was seriously wounded.
Lord Rama then sent for the physician Sushena to help revive his brother, and it is said that Sushena ordered Ramas main attendant, Hanuman ji, to fly to the greatest among the mountains, the Himalayas (Nag Sreshta Himavant), and bring him the mrit sanjivani (literally, an infuser of life) plant so that he could revive the comatose young warrior.
Sushena told Hanuman ji that the plant grows in the Drongiri range of the Himalayas, and gives off a strange light, enabling it to be spotted in the dark. Hanuman ji left immediately but when he arrived in the mountains, he was confused and did not know where to look.
Finally, rather than delay matters any further, this powerful son of Vayu, the wind god, excised an entire hillside that was said to contain the plant, and took off. Lakshman ji was revived and the rest, as they say, is history.
Today the sanjivani herb remains a mythical plant with little or no scientific proof of its existence. But locals claim that it can still be located if an aggressive search is mounted in the remote region of Uttarakhand bordering Tibet.
The magical sanjivani appears not only in the Ramayana but also in the Mahabharata, where the asura guru Shukracharya is said to have used it to resurrect asuras who had been slain by the devas. The herb is also said have helped king Yayati, an ancestor of the Pandavas, to reverse the ageing of his body and regain male vigour.
Beyond the Ramayana, in present-day Drongiri village in the Uttarakhand Himalayas, there is a mountain worshipped by locals that is believed to be the one that Hanuman disfigured during his search for the life-saving herb. In this ecologically-sensitive zone, Hanuman is not worshipped. The villagers of Dronagiri haven’t forgiven him for destroying the right flank of the mountain (Parbat Dev) that they worship. ~ (source Indian news and media )

Jai Shri Ram ~ Jai Mahavir Hanuman

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