Sometimes you just need to relax. Instead of enjoying the work you do, things become more fun when you intentionally take some time off just to relax to tune out. Turn off, Shut down. And do something different. Yes take a break from work. Take a break from Facebook. From everything you are involved in. Let go off burden and detress yourself.
๐ Namaste Lovely Souls. It's stress free Day.
๐ Celebrate by taking time off your hectic schedule, to break away from work and rejoice in the moment. Rejuvenate and take a short vacation from the hustle and bustle of your typical busy life. Our whole lives we get it drilled into us how very hard work is a major key component to success, so we have a hard time relaxing or even shutting down. We have been taught how to work hard but not how to rest. You don't realise how relaxing can give you a much needed change in perspective. Think of the many times it has happened to you. You are stuck banging your head against a problem for days, But once you take some time to relax and step away from the problem, and when You are not even thinking about it, the solution just pops into the head. Many of the greatest insights actually comes during relaxation times. So let go off all the stress. Do what makes you happy. One of the greatest freedoms is truly not caring what everyone else thinks of you. As long as you are worried about what you were committed to do or what others think of you, you are owned the people. Only when you require no approval from outside yourself, can you own yourself. You have to take care of yourself first, you have to be your own friend. Before making others happy, you have to make yourself happy. It's not called selfishness, it’s called personal development. Once you balance yourself, only then can you balance the world around you!! Love, light and Peace!

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Hara Hara Mahadev ~ Blessed Day To all

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