It is karma that brings joy or sorrow, Willing or unwilling, we live by our karma. Observe the potter shaping his pots: Some break on the wheel, Some crack after removal from the wheel. Some spoil when wet, some when dry. Some burst while being fired, Some after removal from the kiln, Some shatter in use. So some of us die in the womb. Some immediately after birth, Some a fortnight later, some a month. Some in youth, some in middle age, some in old. Their karma determines it all. This is the way of the world is! So what is the point of grieving? Swimmers dive, then emerge from the water. So creatures sink into and emerge from the stream of life!" ~ Mahabharata. Yes, We make our own destiny. Out of desires to enjoy this world in various ways, we create our own good or bad karma. We can attain freedom from karma only when we give up acting according to our material desires and instead act to serve the One Supreme. When we are purified of all material desires and repose all our thoughts, words, and actions in loving service to Lord, then only can we transcend the law of karma! Surrender and be one with Shiva! Only then you can find peace! Realize that learning to let go and let God have His way in our lives is the best thing we can do for ourselves. Know that God is most powerful and is before all things, and in Him all things lie. Trust and know that he has got everything under his control. He knows what’s best for us. So stop striving and start abiding. Pray to him and confess! Prayer is the key. Go to God and be honest ; tell Him about your worries. If you’re having trouble, try taking out a piece of paper and write down your problems. And imagine yourself literally laying them down at the feet of your Father. He listens to his children just like a father to his son. We have to learn to let go of trying to figure out the “whys” of life and trust that God understands more than we ever could. So seek him, and he will direct your steps.!

Love light & peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Hara Hara Mahadev ~ Om Namah Shivaya

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