Monday, 1 January 2018

Lord Shiva constitutes a part of a powerful triad of divine energy within the cosmos of the Hindu religion.

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Lord Shiva constitutes a part of a powerful triad of divine energy within the cosmos of the Hindu religion. There is Brahma, the benevolent creator of the universe; there is Shri Vishnu, the sagacious preserver; and there is Shiva, the destroyer. “Destroyer” in this sense is not an entirely negative force, but one that is expansive in its impact. In Hindu religious philosophy all things must come to a natural end so they can begin anew, and Shiva is the power that brings about this end so that a new cycle can begin.
Shiva embodies those perfect physical qualities as he is frozen in the moment within the cosmic circle of fire that is the simultaneous and continuous creation and destruction of the universe. The fire that surrounds Shiva is the encapsulated cosmos of mass, time, and space, whose endless cycle of annihilation and regeneration moves in tune to the beat of Shiva’s drum and the rhythm of his steps.
Shiva's hands holds the agni, the flame of destruction that annihilates all that the sound of the damaru has drummed into existence. His one hand with his palm raised is lifted in the gesture of the abhaya mudra, which says to the devotee, “Be not afraid, for those who follow the path of righteousness will have my blessings.”
Shiva’s one hand stretches diagonally across his chest which signifies spiritual grace and fulfillment through meditation and mastery over one’s baser appetites. While other gods are depicted in lavish surroundings, Shiva is dressed in simple animal skin and in austere settings, usually in a yogic position. Maa Parvati, whenever she is present, is always at the side of Shiva. Their relationship is one of equality. Even though Shiva is the destroyer, he is usually represented as smiling and tranquil seated in deep meditative trance! 💀🔥👁🔥💀
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Bhole Namah Shivaya 🔱🐍🔱
Shubh Somvaar 💛💙❤️

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