It's is mentioned in Shiva Maha Purana that by the mere touch of Shivalingam thousands of sins of a person are destroyed. Shivalingam is so holy , powerful and auspicious that it's worship helps one achieve moksha. A Shiva Lingam has three distinct parts which are considered as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. The lower part represents Brahma, the middle Vishnu and the upper and the most prominent represents Shiva. Thus Shiva Lingam represents all the three powers in one- as the Para Brahma or Supreme Shiva consciousness
There is mysterious and indescribable power in Shiva Lingam to induce the concentration of mind. It is like the crystal glazing; the mind easily attains one- pointedness and nothingness by looking at the Shiva Lingam. This is the reason why ancient scholars and sages advocated the worship of Shiva Lingam and its installations in temples for realization of Supreme Consciousness.
The Shiva linga when installed at home or temple induces vibrations of peace, harmony and oneness with the source. It is the most potent form of Shiva worshipped by Saints and Yogis for self-realization.!

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Om Namah Shivaya

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