★★ Jyeshta Purnima : The Full Moon of Divinity ★★
In North India full moon day is known as Purnima or Poornima. However in South India full moon day is known as Pournami or Pournima and fasting on this day is known as Pournami Vratam. Pournami Vratam is observed from sunrise to till sighting of the moon.
Pournami Fasting days might not be same for two locations. Hence one should set the location before noting down Pournami Vratam dates.
Pournami 2016 dates
22 February Magha Purnima
23 March Phalguna Purnima
22 April Chaitra Purnima
21 May Vaishakha Purnima
20 June Jyeshtha Purnima
19 July Ashadha Purnima
18 August Shravana Purnima
16 September Bhadrapada Purnima
16 October Ashwin Purnima
14 November Kartik Purnima
13 December Margashirsha Purnima
23 March Phalguna Purnima
22 April Chaitra Purnima
21 May Vaishakha Purnima
20 June Jyeshtha Purnima
19 July Ashadha Purnima
18 August Shravana Purnima
16 September Bhadrapada Purnima
16 October Ashwin Purnima
14 November Kartik Purnima
13 December Margashirsha Purnima
The month in which Moon would be at or nearer to the constellation of Jyeshta on the full moon day is reckoned as Jyeshta maasam. Jyeshta is the 18th constellation (star) among the 27 constellations and it falls in the zodiac sign of Scorpio (Vrishcika raasi). Mercury (Budha) is the star Lord of Jyeshta constellation and the star deity is Devendra. Jyeshta maasam marks the beginning of new season (Ruthu) known as Greeshma Ruthu when summer will be very severe with scorching Sun during which time Sun will be transiting in the constellations of Krittika and Rohini. When Sun enters into the constellation of Mrigasira it is known as Mrigasira Kaarthi when we expect the South-West monsoon to begin. This generally occurs around 7th of June every year. During this month Sun will be transiting into Mithuna (Gemini) raasi that is known as Mithuna Sankramana.
Jyeshta means elderly, most ancient, the oldest, senior most, supreme, eldest of all beings, the first and the foremost, who else, none other than Lord Vishnu. In Sri Vishnu Sahasra Naama Stothram sloka number 8 we find Lord Vishnu being referred to as Jyeshhtah Sreshhtah Prajaapatih. Lord Vishnu is the supreme Brahma who has created Chaturmukha Brahma the creator. That’s why Lord Vishnu is also referred to as Prajaapathih. He is the best (Sreshtah) among the best. Maasa Niyaamaka (governing Lord) of Jyeshta maasam is Lord Vishnu in the form of Trivikrama. It is a very popular name of Lord Vishnu that we come across in Vishnu related prayers and epics. Trivikramah means the one who has conquered the three worlds. In Sri Vaamana avathara, Lord Sri Vishnu in order to suppress the pride of King Bali, assumed the cosmic form Trivikrama roopa and measured the three worlds (entire universe) with his three steps.
In Sri Ganesha worship we find Lord Maha Ganapathi being referred to as Jyeshtaraajam the senior Lord that we come across in the popular Vedic sloka Ganaanaam Twaam Ganapathi Gam Havaamahey… In Sri Sooktham we come across reference to Jyeshta in sloka # 8 Jyeshtaam-alakshmeem, the one who is elder to, born prior to and who is just opposite of Goddess Lakshmi Devi.
Jyeshta maasam is the sacred month in which Sri Vishnu Paadodbhavi, holy river Ganga (Ganges) had descended on earth due to the vigorous efforts and penance of King Bhagiratha. Though religious calendars indicate Jyeshta sukla Dasami as the day of Gangaavatharana that is commemorated as Bhaagirathi Jayanthi or Ganga Jayanthi, Dharmasindhu indicates Jyeshta Sukla Dwaadasi as the day of Gangaavatharana.
If ten Yogas (strengths) are coinciding on the day of Jyeshta sukla Dasami it is considered as highly meritorious that can absolve one from committing ten ghastly sins. These ten strengths are ...
Jyeshta maasey, sithey pakshey, Dasamyaam, Budha-Hasthayo, Vyatheepaathey, GaraaNandey, Kanyaa-Chandrey, Vrushou-Ravey…
[Coinciding of Jyeshta maasam, sukla paksha (bright fortnight), Dasami thithi (tenth day), Budha Vaasare (Wednesday), Hastha star (constellation), Vyatheepaatha Yoga, Garaji karana, Aananda Yoga, Moon in Kanya (Virgo) raasi, and Sun in Vrushabha (Taurus) raasi].
Full Moon day (Pournami) during Jyeshta maasam is reckoned as Manvaadi when Manvanthara had begun which is a sacred day for giving charity and for performing Pithru Thila tharpana (Shannavathi). Charity of black Thil seeds (sesame) is prescribed on this day. When Jupiter (Bruhaspathi) and Moon are together in Jyeshta constellation and Sun is in Rohini constellation on the day of Jyeshta Pournami it is referred to as Mahaa Jyeshti which is considered as highly meritorious day for performing sacred deeds like Theertha snaana (taking bath in a holy river) and for giving charity.
Jyeshta Pournami is celebrated as Vata Saavithri Poornima when we observe married women performing special pooja rituals at the base of a Banyan tree (Vata Vruksha) for the good health and longevity of their spouse. There is also a tradition of performing this Vratha on Jyeshta Bahula Amaavaasya day. This vratham is assigned and named after Maha Pathivratha Shiromani, Savithri who fought with Yama Dharmaraja the Lord of death to bring back the life of her deceased husband Satyavanta. Hence, it is known as Vata Saavithri Vratham. This festival is celebrated across the country by married women and in some parts of the country we observe women resorting to fasting on this day.
Purnima : Rituals Of Purnima Fast
Though there are no major rituals for observing the Purnima fast in 2016. But there are a few things which have been existing since ages and should be followed during the Poornima fast in 2016.
Let’s look at these rituals for the Purnima fast:
* During the day of Full Moon or Purnima, devotees observe a partial fast. This fast involves taking food like fruits, drinks (milk, juices) and water.
* During the Purnima fast, devotees are forbidden from taking common salt, wheat, grains, pulses, and rice.
* On the day of Purnima, Lord Vishnu is worshiped and Shree Satyanarayan Vrat Puja is done.
* On Purnima or Full Moon day, before the Puja of Shree Satyanarayan, Lord Ganesha is worshiped along with Navgrah. Post that, Lord Vishnu is worshiped as the preserver of the universe.
* Post the Poornima Vrat, people take Prasad and light food. This is only done after watching and praying to the Full Moon.
* People visit Lord Vishnu’s temple and offer him their prayers.
* Another important ritual which is usually followed on the day of Poornima is Maha Mrityunjaya Havan (Mantra for conquering the death is chanted in front of fire ). This Havan is performed to invoke Lord Vishnu and other deities.
Observe the Purnima fast and stay protected by offering your prayers to Lord Vishnu.
* During the Purnima fast, devotees are forbidden from taking common salt, wheat, grains, pulses, and rice.
* On the day of Purnima, Lord Vishnu is worshiped and Shree Satyanarayan Vrat Puja is done.
* On Purnima or Full Moon day, before the Puja of Shree Satyanarayan, Lord Ganesha is worshiped along with Navgrah. Post that, Lord Vishnu is worshiped as the preserver of the universe.
* Post the Poornima Vrat, people take Prasad and light food. This is only done after watching and praying to the Full Moon.
* People visit Lord Vishnu’s temple and offer him their prayers.
* Another important ritual which is usually followed on the day of Poornima is Maha Mrityunjaya Havan (Mantra for conquering the death is chanted in front of fire ). This Havan is performed to invoke Lord Vishnu and other deities.
Observe the Purnima fast and stay protected by offering your prayers to Lord Vishnu.
Performing Mrityunjaya Havan
Performing Mrityunjaya Havan
Another important activity which many follow on Purnima or full Moon day is to perform the Maha Mrityunjaya Havan. The Puja starts with building of 'Havan Kund' (fire pit) by placing the firewood with little Ghee (purified butter) smeared on them. The firewood is then lit along with the chanting of Mantras . The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is chanted to invoke Lord Vishnu and other deities.
Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra :
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe |
Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam ||
Urva Rukamiva Bandhanan |
Mrityur Moksheeya Maamritat ||
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe |
Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam ||
Urva Rukamiva Bandhanan |
Mrityur Moksheeya Maamritat ||
The Puja (worship) comes to an end with the chanting of the word 'Om Swahaa' 108 times.
Perspective Of Astrology About Purnima
As per the astrologers, it is believed that :
* People who are born on Purnima or on the Full Moon day are considerably more intelligent than people born on any other day.
* People born on the Full Moon day or Purnima are more attractive and beautiful.
* It is also said that people born on the day of Purnima or Full Moon day never suffer from lack of wealth.
* People born on the Full Moon day or Purnima are more attractive and beautiful.
* It is also said that people born on the day of Purnima or Full Moon day never suffer from lack of wealth.
Though this perspective may not be always true, but the day of Poornima or the Full Moon day (as per the Hindu mythology) holds a great significance. So this Purnima in 2016, pray to Lord Vishnu and Lord Ganesha for a blessed, healthy, protected, and wealthy life.
Benefits Of Purnima Puja
As the Full Moon day or Purnima is considered extremely auspicious, we will tell you the benefits of performing Purnima Puja.
1. Purnima Vrat and Shree Satyanarayan Puja brings prosperity, health and happiness to one’s life and the entire family.
2. Purnima Puja is also done on special occasions and before any religious ceremonies. Purnima Katha (Puja) is usually done before or after marriage on the purchase of property or on any big achievement. It is a way of thanking god and praying for the sustenance.
3. Purnima Puja also helps in bringing mental peace and physical wellness.
2. Purnima Puja is also done on special occasions and before any religious ceremonies. Purnima Katha (Puja) is usually done before or after marriage on the purchase of property or on any big achievement. It is a way of thanking god and praying for the sustenance.
3. Purnima Puja also helps in bringing mental peace and physical wellness.
Purnima or Full Moon day holds great importance for Hindus across the country. Let’s find out how?
Celebration Of Purnima
On the Full Moon day of the lunar calendar, when the day of Purnima arrives, people across the country worship Lord Vishnu. This day is not just auspicious but a very important day in order to do any work. The Full Moon day or Purnima is celebrated not just in the Northern India, but in the Southern part of the country. This Full Moon day in South India is known as Pournami Vratam. This Full Moon day of Purnima is dedicated to the Mother Goddess Gayatri. Special Pujas are performed on the Purnima. Gayatri Mantra is chanted in various temples and homes on the Full Moon day or Purnima by praying to the Goddess.
The Gayatri Mantra
Om bhur bhuvah swah, tat savitur varenyam |
Bhargo devasya dheemahi, dhiyo yo nah prachodayat ||
Bhargo devasya dheemahi, dhiyo yo nah prachodayat ||
Now, we know that Purnima is the day having its very own significance. It is not just a day on which various Hindu festivals like Guru Purnima and Holi are celebrated. Purnima Puja has its own significance, be it the time of birth, marriage or any other manifestation. Another significant lesson which we get on the day of Purnima is, as the Moon completes its one cycle around the planet earth and reaches on its original place on this day; similarly, on the other hand, humans should end all the older chapters of their lives and make a new beginning by shedding all the wrongs and evils around them. On the Full Moon day or Purnima in 2016, pray to Lord Vishnu to end all our miseries and difficulties. May the Lord act as protector and bless us all.
We at Indian Vedic Astro hope that this article will benefit you in knowing each and every thing about the Full Moon day or Purnima.
We at Indian Vedic Astro hope that this article will benefit you in knowing each and every thing about the Full Moon day or Purnima.
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