Friday, 24 June 2016

Pray. It elevates the mind. It fills the mind with purity.

ૐ The Shiva Tribe ૐ's photo.
Pray. It elevates the mind. It fills the mind with purity. It keeps the mind in tune with God. Prayer can reach a realm where reason dare not enter. Prayer can move mountains. It can work miracles. It frees the devotee from the fear of death, brings him nearer to God and makes him feel the divine presence everywhere. 📿🕉📿 Namaste Lovely People. It's time for Thursday Thoughts! 🌙 Prayer has tremendous influence. It can work anything provided you are sincere. It is at once heard and responded to. Do it in the daily struggle of life and realise for yourself its high efficacy. Pray in any way you like. Become as simple as a Child. Have no cunningness or crookedness. Then you will get everything. Chant Om Namah Shivaya ! Panchakshri mantra of Shiva with Om preceding it. It is a Kavach, a kind of armour that one puts on. The armour will protect you from danger of any kind. It will protect not only you but also all those whom you want to be protected. It can cease tensions of every kind, if you pray wearing this armour, provided you offer prayers whole heartedly from the bottom of your heart. Collective prayer is very effective. If group of persons join together and pray, it will have a greater effect than one person praying. When all the minds are put together they form great energy. It surges forth into God. "God does not wish us to pray like beggars, wheedling Him to give us what we want. Like any other loving father, He delights in fulfilling our worthy wishes." establish your identity with Him through meditation. Then you may ask what you need of your Father with a child’s loving expectation, knowing that your request will be granted.” Concentrate to know HIM. Therefore before praying it is good to meditate. Will power is an essential element in prayer. “Continuous, calm, powerful use of the will shakes the forces of creation and brings a response from the Infinite." Prayer used with devotion is the most effective prayer. He wants only your sincere love. He doesn't want your wealth. He wants to see that love in your heart. God helps even a demon when he prays. The power of prayer is indescribable. Its glory is ineffable. Only sincere devotees realise its usefulness and splendour. It should be done with reverence, faith and non-expectation of fruits. Pray in any way for the lord hears even the footfall of an ant! Love, light & Peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Jai Bholenath!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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