Your life has a purpose, and if you’ll choose to realize that Shiva is with you and for you, you’ll see how he works to end miseries in your life! Allow Shiva to lead you. You may have big obstacles in your path that you can’t overcome on your own. The good news is that you’re not alone, you have the most powerful force in the universe, Lord Shiva, on your side. When Shiva works, things happen for your good. He can change your biggest problem into something that's in your favour. Don't forget, he has done wonders for you in the past. When you remember what He’s done, you don’t get discouraged by every difficulty. Stop stressing yourself with thoughts of lack and struggle, and then expect to receive his abundant blessings. It's only when you keep the faith, and rejoice in his blessings that you will receive his more grace. Recognise and accept that every struggle is impermanent, nothing's lasts forever. It shall pass too. With this insight you won't feel overwhelmed by the storms of life. Stay calm and live each moment happily with equanimity. You have survived a lot before, you will survive whatever is coming. Trust Shiva, he brought you through in the past, and He’ll bring you through in the future also! Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Jai Shri Someshwaraya Namah!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Today's Darshan of Shri Somnath Mahadev from Saurashtra Gujrat!
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