Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Shivas plan is always the best. Sometimes the process is painful. But don't forget that when Shiva is silent, He is doing something for you.

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Shivas plan is always the best. Sometimes the process is painful. But don't forget that when Shiva is silent, He is doing something for you. 🙌🕉🙌Namaste Beautiful People. It's time for Wednesday Wisdom. 📿🌙📿 When something goes wrong in our lives, we start lamenting and blaming God. Why blame God? Shiva doesn't give us pain. We should understand that It is our own karma that brings joy or sorrow. We make our own destiny. Out of desires to enjoy this world in various ways, we create our own good or bad karma. We seek material things, Failing to realise that material things can't give happiness for long. All material things are just an obstacle that get in the way of HIS eternal love. Life is not about the newest possessions, jewellery or money. It's all wearing you out. One who falls into these traps is soon harmed by foolish and harmful desires, because love of money is the root of all evil. Material things don't bring us happiness and content, happiness and content can only be found in God. Human soul is extremely lucky to receive this birth, which is difficult even for the gods to get. Only with a great mercy does one receive this human body. Abandon all desires and draw close to him. Think of HIM always, dive deep into his Bhakti and love him. We can attain freedom from our bad karma only when we give up acting according to our material desires and instead act to serve the One Supreme. When we are purified of all material desires and repose all our thoughts, words, and actions in loving service to Lord, then only can we transcend the law of karma! Surrender and be one with Shiva! Only then you can find peace!! Love, Light & Peace ~ Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Boom Shankar!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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