The Greatest Secret-2
Each one of us is a cell in the Universal Body. On our own, no matter how powerful one person is, our existence is infinitely smaller than the smallest number we can imagine. On a collective scale though, every individual is critical to the existence of universe. If every cell in our body gave up, the whole body will collapse in no time. Similarly, if all living beings gave up, it will have an unimaginable effect on the whole of creation.
Part 3 —Attracting the Universe
The law of attraction is based on seeking attention of the universal body. Its scale is infinitely larger than ours though — like an ant trying to stop an elephant in the tracks. What is a lifetime struggle for an average human being is simply but a momentary effort for the universal consciousness. One individual’s efforts or thoughts can’t bring a universal change. Though such change may well be triggered by one person but to make a sustainable or a profound impact requires collective consciousness. And, this brings me to the most important part of my thesis.
Have you ever realized that no matter how engrossed you may be, even a small mosquito bite can easily cause distraction? A tiny puncture by a needle, anywhere on our body, is enough to draw our attention. In much the same manner, to draw the attention of the universal body, we have to jab it (gently). One human being can’t do it single-handedly, it has to be a cooperative effort. If enough of us meditated on the same thing at the same time, we would attract universal consciousness to bring changes beyond imagination.
This raises an important question: how many meditators are required to cause the pin-prick effect on the universal body? The answer is an absolute minimum of 8,000 to a decent 9,000,000 people are required to cause a ripple in the universal consciousness. The more the merrier, of course. Here’s how I’ve arrived at this number (you can skip the next para if you don’t want numbers):
I’m beginning with the proposition that even a tiny prick of a pin causes a shift in our attention to the affected area. Other things being equal, if human body has 37 trillion cells and the point of a pin is .127mm in diameter then one 1 mm deep puncture will impact roughly 9 million cells. If I only consider skin cells (35 billion) in my calculation then a 1 mm puncture will affect about 8,000 cells. Since I’m not a theoretical physicist, I posed this question in a forum and a physicist was kind enough to provide a detailed answer. This number is derived based on his reply.
Om Namah Shivay
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