“It was actually as if Shiva was the supreme alchemist, transmuting the spirit of the seers with His touch. The very ‘seeing’ of Shiva itself, even when it happened in meditation, drew out a dormant divinity within the seer.
“And the magic of Shiva’s touch…” Suta continued, gently putting his hand over Shaunaka’s, “Was understood to be the bringing back of the spirit to its original form.”
“So… meeting the source automatically enabled a factory resetting! Like when we take a broken toy to its maker, and he assembles it back! I see…” said Shaunaka.
“Yes,” confirmed Suta, with a smile, pleased with Shaunaka’s grasp, “It is all in the touch of the maker’s hand. Speechless as they were, these meditators then termed the ‘Seeing’ as a revelation of the Self; a Darsana.Those to whom the Darsana ‘happened’, came to be called rishis.
( SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.)
“And the magic of Shiva’s touch…” Suta continued, gently putting his hand over Shaunaka’s, “Was understood to be the bringing back of the spirit to its original form.”
“So… meeting the source automatically enabled a factory resetting! Like when we take a broken toy to its maker, and he assembles it back! I see…” said Shaunaka.
“Yes,” confirmed Suta, with a smile, pleased with Shaunaka’s grasp, “It is all in the touch of the maker’s hand. Speechless as they were, these meditators then termed the ‘Seeing’ as a revelation of the Self; a Darsana.Those to whom the Darsana ‘happened’, came to be called rishis.
( SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.)
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