Monday, 14 October 2013

While science cannot offer us conclusive proof just yet, a rational analysis of our inner nature reveals powerful and persuasive truths that point to the presence of this great spiritual reality within us.

Photo: While science cannot offer us conclusive proof just yet, a rational analysis of our inner nature reveals powerful and persuasive truths that point to the presence of this great spiritual reality within us. 

Truth #3: Life Cannot be Explained as a Mere Evolutionary Impulse.

It has a Higher Purpose

What is the goal of life? Is there a purpose in being born, spending a whole lifetime struggling to live, at times, even defying the worst odds to survive, only to have to let it all go in a moment, when death knocks at the door?

“The entire purpose of manifest existence is simply to facilitate the realization of who and what you really are.”
- Metta Zetty

Life’s grand struggle for existence cannot be fully explained by the propagation of species argument or by the survival of the fittest hypothesis, for it does not account for man’s cherished ideals of sacrifice, selfless service and dying in the line of duty to protect the life of others.

The struggles of life attain full meaning only when in addition to the evolution of our outer bodily Nature; we also account for the gradual manifestation (revelation) of our inner Nature i.e. our soul.
In Nature two processes are occurring in parallel: the first is evolution, which as science tells us is the adaptation of the physical bodies of plants, animals and man for survival in Nature and to propagate the fittest progeny forward.

“We are here to awaken to the reality of our true identity – that we are sparks of the Eternal Imperishable Spirit, who is the source of all Creation and the very essence of our being.”
- Shriram Sharma Acharya

But there is a second more vital process simultaneously ongoing, and that is the gradual unfolding of the soul that animates these bodies over cycles of life and death. The aim being to reveal the perfect spirit that lies hidden within. The entire system as it were, is struggling to evolve from efficiency in Nature to perfection in spirit.
In view of this, life attains a higher purpose. It no longer appears like a battlefield where the weakest goes to death and only the strongest survives, but life becomes like a playground – an obstacle course running through which we evolve to become more perfect.
Just as a seed needs the right kind of soil, temperature, air and water to germinate, so too do we need the right circumstances to manifest our true nature, our soul – the source of infinite strength and potential. Without the proper opportunity our cherished ideals of bravery, courage, sacrifice, judgment, integrity and unconditional love would never be fully revealed.

One life cycle is usually not enough to attain this perfection and so we dip again and again into this ocean of life, till finally at long last the divinity within is fully manifest. And what happens when we attain this perfection in spirit? We have reached God and are one with Him.

Om Namah Shivay

***Write " Om Namah Shivay " if you ask for God's blessing on your life today. Please Like and Share to bless others!

While science cannot offer us conclusive proof just yet, a rational analysis of our inner nature reveals powerful and persuasive truths that point to the presence of this great spiritual reality within us. 

Truth #3: Life Cannot be Explained as a Mere Evolutionary Impulse.

It has a Higher Purpose

What is the goal of life? Is there a purpose in being born, spending a whole lifetime struggling to live, at times, even defying the worst odds to survive, only to have to let it all go in a moment, when death knocks at the door?

“The entire purpose of manifest existence is simply to facilitate the realization of who and what you really are.”
- Metta Zetty

Life’s grand struggle for existence cannot be fully explained by the propagation of species argument or by the survival of the fittest hypothesis, for it does not account for man’s cherished ideals of sacrifice, selfless service and dying in the line of duty to protect the life of others.

The struggles of life attain full meaning only when in addition to the evolution of our outer bodily Nature; we also account for the gradual manifestation (revelation) of our inner Nature i.e. our soul.
In Nature two processes are occurring in parallel: the first is evolution, which as science tells us is the adaptation of the physical bodies of plants, animals and man for survival in Nature and to propagate the fittest progeny forward.

“We are here to awaken to the reality of our true identity – that we are sparks of the Eternal Imperishable Spirit, who is the source of all Creation and the very essence of our being.”
- Shriram Sharma Acharya

But there is a second more vital process simultaneously ongoing, and that is the gradual unfolding of the soul that animates these bodies over cycles of life and death. The aim being to reveal the perfect spirit that lies hidden within. The entire system as it were, is struggling to evolve from efficiency in Nature to perfection in spirit.
In view of this, life attains a higher purpose. It no longer appears like a battlefield where the weakest goes to death and only the strongest survives, but life becomes like a playground – an obstacle course running through which we evolve to become more perfect.
Just as a seed needs the right kind of soil, temperature, air and water to germinate, so too do we need the right circumstances to manifest our true nature, our soul – the source of infinite strength and potential. Without the proper opportunity our cherished ideals of bravery, courage, sacrifice, judgment, integrity and unconditional love would never be fully revealed.

One life cycle is usually not enough to attain this perfection and so we dip again and again into this ocean of life, till finally at long last the divinity within is fully manifest. And what happens when we attain this perfection in spirit? We have reached God and are one with Him.

Om Namah Shivay

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