Monday 31 July 2023

"Parthiva Linga is the most supreme among all the Shiva-Lingas.


"Parthiva Linga is the most supreme among all the Shiva-Lingas. All the aspirations of the deities as well as men are fulfilled by the worship of Parthiv linga. During the era of Satya, jewel was considered to be of prime importance, where as during Tretayuga and Dwaparyuga, gold and mercury had the prime importance respectively. In the present era of Kali, a Parthiva Linga hold this place of honour.” - Shiva Maha Purana.
“The worship of Parthiva Linga begets more virtues than even penance. Just as Ganga among the rivers, Kashi among the sacred places of pilgrimages, Omkar among all the mantras are considered to be superior, In the same way Parthiva linga is considered to the supreme among all the Linga. Worshipping, a Parthiva linga with a 'Nishkam bhava' helps a man to attain liberation." - Shiva Maha Purana.
Parthiva Shivlinga is a Shivlinga made from mud/sand. Parthiv means Earth and worshipping a Parthiv Shivling liberates devotees of all sins committed in birth. Lord Rama worshipped a Parthiva Shivling to seek liberation from Brahmahatya mahapatakam, the sin of killing Ravana. Parthiva Shivlinga is also known as Saikata Lingam.
Parthiva Shivlingas are considered as one of the most auspicious, sacred and divine amongst all Shivlingas. Worshipping of Parthiva Shivlingas leads to liberation from karma and achievement of Moksha. Worshipping a Parthiva Shivlinga also provides relief from malefic planetary effects (Navgraha Dosha) and also provides peace to soul of ancestors.
After bath in the morning, a man should wear a rudraksha garland in his neck and apply bhasma on his forehead. He should then worship the Parthiva Linga. He should chant the various names of Shiva. After worshipping the Parthiva Linga, it should be immersed in the river, Then the mantra - OM NAMAH SHIVAYA should be chanted with complete devotion. This is the method which has been described in the Vedas.
Benefits of worshipping Parthiva ShivaLinga -
1- For divine grace and blessings of Lord Shiva
2- For Removal of malefic effects of various Planets
3- For relief and protection against diseases, ailments and accidents
4- For relief from miseries, troubles, stress and ego
5- For courage and relief from kinds of fears
6- For Spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Om Namah Shivaya! ✨🕉✨

Sunday 30 July 2023

Significance of Nandi in Indian culture


Significance of Nandi in Indian culture
In some parts of India, particularly in rural areas, Nandi is worshiped as a deity associated with agriculture and fertility. Farmers believe that Nandi’s blessings can bring them a bountiful harvest and prosperity. They offer prayers, flowers, and fruits to Nandi, seeking his blessings and protection.
Nandi’s association with agriculture and fertility can be traced back to the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, where bulls were considered sacred animals and worshiped as symbols of strength, power, and fertility. This tradition continued to evolve through the centuries, with Nandi assuming a central role in Sanatan as the vehicle and companion of Lord Shiva.
In some areas, farmers celebrate a festival called Nandi Habba, where they decorate their plows with flowers and hold processions with Nandi statues, seeking blessings for a good harvest. Nandi is also associated with water and is believed to control the flow of rivers and streams, making him a crucial deity for agricultural communities that rely on water for irrigation.
Nandi’s association with agriculture and fertility highlights the deep connection between religion, culture, and the natural world in India, where farmers continue to rely on divine blessings for their livelihoods.

Saturday 29 July 2023



Actually it was never that complicated.
God made the Universe simply,
to love, and to be loved.
Parvati did not just understand that, she felt it in her bones, her flesh, her heart and her soul.
She held on to this love with her life, and Shiva responded by handing Himself to her, for ever.
Aum Namah Shivaye. Jai Parvati Ma.

Nandi is referred to as ‘Meditation Bull’


Nandi is referred to as ‘Meditation Bull’
The representation of Nandi as a meditative bull has several interpretations. One interpretation suggests that Nandi’s meditative posture represents his state of constant meditation and devotion toward Lord Shiva. He even became a guru of meditation after getting divine knowledge from ShivaShakti. He is the guru of the eight disciples of Nandinatha Sampradaya namely,
Patanjali, and,
Sivayoga Muni.
Another interpretation suggests that Nandi represents the ideal state of mind for a devotee, which is calm, focused, and free from distractions. Nandi has the ability to remove obstacles and help devotees attain spiritual enlightenment. Therefore, worshiping Nandi and meditating on his form is considered to be a means of attaining inner peace and spiritual growth.

Thursday 27 July 2023

Nandi the Bull


Nandi the Bull
After Shilada was blessed with Nandi, he took great care and provided him with love, instructions, and knowledge. By the age of seven, Nandi became well-versed in all the sacred scriptures and texts. However, one day, Lord Varuna and Mitra visited Nandi to bless him, but they seemed dissatisfied. When Shilada asked them why, they revealed that Nandi would not live beyond the age of eight.
Shilada was devastated upon hearing this news and shared it with Nandi, who could not bear to see his father in agony. As a result, Nandi began to pray to Lord Shiva, who was pleased with his devotion and granted him the status of being half-man and half-bull, and immortal. Lord Shiva also appointed Nandi as the guide and leader of his followers, known as the Shiva Gana or the Helpers of Lord Shiva.
Following this, Shilada and Nandi went to live in the abode of Lord Shiva, where they resided forever and Nandi (animal form), Shiv’s ardent worshiper, is Lord Shiva’s transportation means.
This story reinforces the importance of devotion and the power of prayer in Sanatan and highlights the idea that even in the face of adversity, one can find strength through faith and devotion.

Wednesday 26 July 2023

Worship connects us and allows us to turn to the ultimate answer when we are anxious and worried.


Human beings seem to be hard-wired for stress and anxiety, and in these modern times one has only to scroll social media, engage in conversations with others, or watch television to see anxiety in action.
The good news is that a lasting solution for anxiety is easily found ; worshipping our Lord. The give-and-take of prayer and worship is a natural conduit for peace in our minds and hearts, if we trust it and take action to make it possible.
When we worship, we connect with the true source of all hope, peace, and certainty ; which is exactly what we need during anxious times. God longs for us to bring our stress, worry, and anxiety straight to Him in worship; it is one very important way that we can show God our faith and trust in Him. You are never “bothering” Him, or over-doing your prayers and petitions.
How beautiful is the experience of worshipping God. Temple and worship draws us like a magnet because it is good and right that we take our sorrows and stresses to God, the creator of heaven and earth and Architect of our very existence. He made us, so He understands us.
Worship connects us and allows us to turn to the ultimate answer when we are anxious and worried. As human beings we live an “on demand” lifestyle that caters to our every want and need, it seems. That is why worship is so important--it acknowledges that we actually have very little control, and that God alone has supernatural power.
It also allows us to send and receive love to the Lord, which is the healthiest thing you will ever do in your life. Worship allows us to lay out our stress and anxiety in a sacred space, sharing it all with God. The Lord already knows all about our lives, but wants to hear from us directly about issues large and small!💕🐍💖🔔🌺📿🦚🐚🕉🍃🌈🔆🌷💟🦚🌈🌸💕🐍💖🔔🌺📿🦚🐚🕉🍃🌈🔆🌷💟🦚🌈🌸
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Om Namah Shivaya! 💕🐍💖🔔🌺📿🦚🐚🕉🍃🌈🔆🌷💟🦚🌈🌸💕🐍💖🔔🌺📿🦚🐚🕉🍃🌈🔆🌷💟🦚🌈🌸