Tuesday 4 July 2023



A beautiful picture of Ma Parvati and Mahadeva.
It sends out very positive vibes and gives us a pleasant feeling deep into our inner Self. They both have their right hands forming a mudra. Mudras are gestures of the hand that indicate subtle states of being. This mudra seems to suggest something that is 'Just right" or, as in modern times we would signal for saying "okay, or all is well."
Lord Shiva , who is always immersed in Chintan ( introspection) - and Dhyana (meditation) , keeps coming up with great visions.
Lord Shiva understands that we all need to be:
Stress free
And like a truly kind God, Bhole Nath that He is, He does not only keep all the Ananda , and all the Amrita for Himself , but likes to share it with the whole Universe - all of creation and all the creatures in it. He shares these visions and teaches all these things with a great accuracy in His spiritual revelations, so that the rest of us may be able to follow and improve our own lives.
The rishis of Kashmir, learning Shivopaya from Shiva Himself, became great adepts at both the spiritual and material life. They understood that by creative contemplation and some methods of affirmative visualization, one could actually re-direct the current way of living only the material life, into a great synergy with spiritual life. And they have carefully recorded these teachings in their texts, which collectively form Kashmir Shaivism .
Aum Namah Shivaye.

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