Friday 15 November 2013

Beyond The Big Bang

Photo: Beyond The Big Bang : 

For science to see beyond the big bang, it must find something that survives this event. For any such force to survive unaffected, it must necessarily lie outside the confines of our Universe of matter – a realm in which science has yet to shine its light.

Where Science Fails, the Sages Succeeded Because they Used a Different Bridge
“Consciousness is not subject to the strictures of quantum rule because it is neither physical matter, nor is it restricted by time and space.”
- Glen Kezwer, Physicist

 The ancient sages of India succeeded in tapping into this force that survives the big bang – a force that is external to our Universe; one that is not only unbounded by space and time, but also ungoverned by the laws of matter; one that is always present – existing both, before the birth, and after the death of the Universe – the force of Consciousness.

It was only by accessing this force that the sages could transcend the limitations imposed by the big bang, and discern the presence of a Greater Reality (God), in whom lay the source of all Creation.
We illustrate this with the following example: Let us say we put an ant in a box, and it has no way of getting out of that box. Every instrument that it has, can only help it see within the box. There is no way for it to know what lies outside the box, unless it can access something that is not constrained by the box. This something for us, is Consciousness and the box is the Universe.
Thus the sages succeeded where science failed, simply because they realized that God cannot be found by searching the Universe of inanimate matter alone. That would be akin to analyzing the flowers and fruits of a tree in order to decipher its origins, all the while ignoring its roots in the soil. Just like the tree, the Universe too sprouts, grows, and dies, yet God (the soil) remains the same, bearing within Him all the ingredients of putting forth ever new Creations (trees and shrubs).
Om Namah Shivay 

***Write " Om Namah Shivay " if you ask for God's blessing on your life today. Please Like and Share to bless others!

Beyond The Big Bang : 

For science to see beyond the big bang, it must find something that survives this event. For any such force to survive unaffected, it must necessarily lie outside the confines of our Universe of matter – a realm in which science has yet to shine its light.

Where Science Fails, the Sages Succeeded Because they Used a Different Bridge

“Consciousness is not subject to the strictures of quantum rule because it is neither physical matter, nor is it restricted by time and space.”
- Glen Kezwer, Physicist

The ancient sages of India succeeded in tapping into this force that survives the big bang – a force that is external to our Universe; one that is not only unbounded by space and time, but also ungoverned by the laws of matter; one that is always present – existing both, before the birth, and after the death of the Universe – the force of Consciousness.

It was only by accessing this force that the sages could transcend the limitations imposed by the big bang, and discern the presence of a Greater Reality (God), in whom lay the source of all Creation.
We illustrate this with the following example: Let us say we put an ant in a box, and it has no way of getting out of that box. Every instrument that it has, can only help it see within the box. There is no way for it to know what lies outside the box, unless it can access something that is not constrained by the box. This something for us, is Consciousness and the box is the Universe.
Thus the sages succeeded where science failed, simply because they realized that God cannot be found by searching the Universe of inanimate matter alone. That would be akin to analyzing the flowers and fruits of a tree in order to decipher its origins, all the while ignoring its roots in the soil. Just like the tree, the Universe too sprouts, grows, and dies, yet God (the soil) remains the same, bearing within Him all the ingredients of putting forth ever new Creations (trees and shrubs).

Om Namah Shivay 

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