Sunday 30 March 2014

Shivji Raudra roop.

Photo: Shivji Raudra roop.
lord Shiva is normally called Bhola Nath, the innocent God, Asutosa, the easily pleased. But there are times, rare and indeed avoidable, when he gets into angry and slips into Raudra Roop, and can be more ferocious than any entity in the Universe, we must not forget he is Bhooth Nath also. There is an old prayer , which asks Him to remain Bhola Nath always. But the real prayer is to ourselves conduct our life in a manner that keeps Him Happy with the peace that we can create in our world. Aum Namah Shivaya!
shail gulhati
Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.

Shivji Raudra roop.
lord Shiva is normally called Bhola Nath, the innocent God, Asutosa, the easily pleased. But there are times, rare and indeed avoidable, when he gets into angry and slips into Raudra Roop, and can be more ferocious than any entity in the Universe, we must not forget he is Bhooth Nath also. There is an old prayer , which asks Him to remain Bhola Nath always. But the real prayer is to ourselves conduct our life in a manner that keeps Him Happy with the peace that we can create in our world. Aum Namah Shivaya!
shail gulhati

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