This picture was taken at Hampi in Karnataka.
* Lord Shiva Love For Us *We pray to lord Shiva, who is worshiped in the form of Linga.Though he looks like a Yogi,
but he is Kailasavasi.
He is known for his Meditation,
which increases the power of Concentration.
He is the creator and destroyer of Universe,
but never did the time Reverse.
He carries a Trident,
Uses it as a Prudent.
His body is smeared with Ashes,
but never turned his devotees into Ashes.
He is a Trinetra,
but he is also Neelakantha.
He is a Natraja,
who has a serpent Nagaraja.
His is known as Ardhanari,
in which one half is Parvati.
'OM' is his patent Symbol,
which spells his name as
* Akshaya Tritiya - The Golden Day *Akshaya Tritiya, also known as Akha Teej which falls this year on 2nd May 2014. Akshaya Tritiya is one such momentous occasion, which is considered one of the most auspicious days of the Hindu Calendar. It is believed, any meaningful activity started on this day would be fruitful. It is an auspicious day of the birthday of Lord Parasurama who is the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The meaning of the word Akshaya is infinite that which never recede.
------Myths Around Akshaya Tritiya------
The day also marks the beginning of the "SatyaYug" or the Golden Age - the first of the four Yugas. In the Puranas, the holy Hindu scriptures, there is a story that says that on this day of Akshay Tritiya, Veda Vyasa along with Ganesha started writing the great epic Mahabharata. Ganga Devi or Mother Ganges also descended on earth on this day.
According to another legend, during the time of the Mahabhrata, when the Pandavas were in exile, Lord Krishna, on this day, presented them an 'Akshaya Patra,' a bowl which would never go empty and produce an unlimited supply of food on demand.
-----The Golden Link-------
The word "Akshaya" means imperishable or eternal - that which never diminishes. Initiations made or valuables bought on this day are considered to bring success or good fortune. Buying gold is a popular activity on Akshaya Tritiya, as it is the ultimate symbol of wealth and prosperity. Gold and gold jewelry bought and worn on this day signify never diminishing good fortune. Indians celebrate weddings, begin new business ventures, and even plan long journeys on this day.
O divine mother GauriGlory, all glory to you, O divine mother Gauri_Glory to you, who gaze on the countenance of the great lord Shiva as cakora bird on the MoonGlory to you, o mother of most auspicious lord ganesha and crest jewel of devotion swami kartikeya and mother of the universe, you have ne beginning, middle or end; your infinite Glory is a mystery even to the Vedas
Of all best women who adore their husband as a God, mother you rank foremost, your greatness is beyond measure.
Four rewards of life are easily attainable through your service, O divine mother; you are bestower of boons, beloved of Lord Shiva.
All who adore your lotus feet, O shining one, attain happiness, be they Gods, men or sages.
O divine mother you well hearts longing since you dwells in the town of every heart, that is why I have refrained from openly declare it.
O divine mother, I expect a lot from your lotus feet and make obeisance in your lotus feet.
May divine mother bless all.
YOU danced in stifled grief ...a Tandav to cool your hearts ire...O MAHADEVA...the luminous one...YOU Set the entire cosmos on fire.....Har Har MAHADEV ...
Priests represent the power of conservatism; prophets the power of progress.Swami Vivekananda, complete works Vol 6
SHIVA CHANDRASHEKHAR!Not only the snake but because of the interesting photoshop image, the clouds also wrap themselves around their belovedLord Shiva in love..It is He , who is the essence of the cloud, the mountains, even the distant stars,
The essence of everything, of all there is!
He it is , who's the essence of the very sky ,
Namah Shivaya, Aum Namah Shivaya!
Stone carved. Antique Kailāsa temple (also written Kailasa, Kailash and Kailasanatha temple). Ellora Caves. Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.
* Amarnath Latest Dharshan ~ Kashmir *If we taste the sweetness of Shiva's love through the chanting of Om Namah Shivay, we can be in this world but not of this Shiva's world.
Shanker Parvati. The look that Manifests a whole Universe, sustains it, and dissolves it back into the Self, again.
Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.
Tanjore painting
We love our children and always want the best for them.
When this is the case, is it difficult to understand Shiva's core desire?
Shail Gulhati
#Shiva minus Parvati or Kali or Durga is Nirguna Brahman Himself. With Maya-Parvati he becomes the Saguna Brahman for the purpose of pious devotion of His devotees.
* Sankat Mochan Temple ~ Varanasi * It is believed that temple has been built on the very spot where Tulsidas had a vision of Hanuman.Tulsidas who was the author of the Ramacharitamanasa, which is the Hindi version of the Hindu epic Ramayana originally written by Valmiki.
According to Vedic Astrology,
Hanuman saves human beings from the anger of the planet Shani (Saturn), and people having an ill-placed Saturn in their horoscopes especially visit this temple for astrological remedies. This is supposed to be the most effective way for appeasing Shani. While it is suggested that Hanuman did not hesitate in engulfing in his mouth the sun, the lord of all planets, humbling all the gods and angel, making them worship him for Sun's release. Some astrologers believe that worshiping Hanuman can neutralize the ill-effect of Mangal (Mars) and practically any planet that has ill effect on human life.
Who Am I? Where Did I Come From?Rishis proclaim that we are not our body, mind or emotions. We are divine souls on a wondrous journey. We came from God, live in God and are evolving into oneness with God. We are, in truth, the Truth we seek.
We are immortal souls living and growing in the great school of earthly experience in which we have lived many lives. Vedic rishis have given us courage by uttering the simple truth, "God is the Life of our life." A great sage carried it further by saying, there is one thing God cannot do: God cannot separate Himself from us. This is because God is our life. God is the life in the birds. God is the life in the fish. God is the life in the animals. Becoming aware of this Life energy in all that lives is becoming aware of God's loving presence within us. When we know that God is present in everything, one will not harm any other living being. We are the undying consciousness and energy flowing through all things. Deep inside we are perfect this very moment, and we have only to discover and live up to this perfection to be whole. Our energy and God's energy are the same, ever coming out of the void. We are all beautiful children of God. Each day we should try to see the life energy in trees, birds, animals and people. When we do, we are seeing God in action. When we see Him in all, we will never think of harming another human, animal or plant. The Vedas affirm, "He who knows God as the Life of life, the Eye of the eye, the Ear of the ear, the Mind of the mind -- he indeed comprehends fully the Cause of all causes." Aum Namah Shivaya.
* Lord Shiva’s Body Is Always Associated With Ash *There is an interesting story in the Siva Purana which narrates how Lord Shiva came to be associated with Ash. There once lived a sage whose lineage was traced to the famous Saint Bhrigu. This sage performed intense austerities and became very powerful. He used to consume only fruits and later only green leaves and thus got the name – Parnada.
Sage Parnada continued his intense tapas and controlled all the animals and plants in the forest he lived. Once while cutting some grass to repair his hermitage, the sage cut his middle finger. But to his surprise instead of blood he saw sap of tree oozing through the cut.
Now Parnada thought that he had become so pious that instead of blood, sap is oozing through his body. Pride filled his mind and he started shouting in joy that he is the most pious man in the world now.
Lord Siva who witnessed this event took the guise of an old man and reached the spot. When the old man asked for the reason for his uncontrollable delight, Parnada said that he has become the most pious man in the world as his blood as become quite similar to the sap of fruits and trees.
Then the old man asked what is there to be elated in this. It is just a sap. But when trees and plants are burned they turn into ash. Only ash remains that is surely the higher stage.
To demonstrate it the old man sliced his finger and suddenly ash came out of it. Sage Parnada soon realized that it was Siva standing before him and prayed to him for forgiveness for his ignorance.
It is said that ever since then Siva wears ash to remind his devotees about the ultimate reality and foolishness of getting enamored in physical beauty.
We love our children and always want the best for them. When this is the case, is it difficult to understand Shiva's core desire?
"Dogs Welcome"A man wrote a letter to a small hotel in a Midwest town he planned to visit on his vacation. He wrote: I would very much like to bring my dog with me. He is well-groomed and very well behaved. Would you be willing to permit me to keep him in my room with me at night?"
An immediate reply came from the hotel owner, who wrote:
SIR: "I've been operating this hotel for many years. In all that time, I've never had a dog steal towels, bedclothes, silverware or steal pictures off the walls or use them as a coloring book.
I've never had to evict a dog in the middle of the night for being drunk and disorderly.
And I've never had a dog run out on a hotel bill.
Yes, indeed, your dog is welcome at my hotel.
And, if your dog will vouch for you, you're welcome to stay here, too."
Om Namah Shivay
Q: When God itself has become a botheration, then what to do?Guruji : Do not become a botheration for God!When you think God is your botheration, then you have become a botheration for God! This becomes a problem.
Once a woman was fasting for 8 days, and she said she will not eat food till she talks to Gurudev. I said, 'This is a big problem'. I keep travelling around the world, the phone connects at some places and doesn’t connect at other places. If people start thinking this way, then there will be a big problem!
Then I had to scold her and say, 'Don’t be like this, first eat your food'.
I said to myself, 'This is not an act of seva, rather it is making me do seva!' I am ready to do seva, but this becomes a headache for me! I said, 'I don’t believe in these kinds of things'.
You should never say this that God has become a problem for you. If you long for God, or for your Guru, in your heart, then that is good. This takes you on the path of progress. If that longing is not there then there is no juice in life.
The day the longing ends dryness begins to come in life. People keep yearning for the materialistic world, people yearn and they die for materialistic things. But you should yearn for God and then you will become realized.
You will rise and attain everything in life; such should be the yearning for god.
Om Namah Shivay
To all the Youth: Have a Big Dream. If our mind is pure, our desires get manifested quickly.============================Q: I am grateful for everything in my life; my parents, education, work, job. I am grateful for the loving, caring and kind people I have met.
Guruji : Very good. The more we are grateful, life becomes much easier, better. The more we grumble, the heavier we feel, like a stone.
A precious stone needs a gold or silver setting around it – to hold it. Wisdom and Knowledge are the settings that will hold your heart in the Divine.
Whatever is, that grows. If you sow a seed, that seed will grow. If the seed itself is lack, then lack is what grows. Today you feel a lack, and tomorrow you will feel some other lack, and then in a year, even if all these things are provided, still you will feel some lack. Observe carefully and see what you have been given. Then you become grateful.
Q: When love turns into bitterness, what to do?
Guruji : Just wait, don’t react, the bitterness will turn back into love again.
Om Namah Shivay
Q: Who is the observer? Is our goal to merge with the observer?Guruji : There is no goal, there is nothing to merge. It is there, that is it. Got it? What is there is there. In the present moment it is always there; the witness is there. Who is asking the question, that is the witness.
All that you need to do, is to know that the mind is getting clogged by desire after desire after desire. This bombardment of desires does not allow you to see the clear sky, that you are. So, throw the desires. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna has said, throw the desires, and then you get relaxation. Otherwise, there is a burning desire for something or the other, and this keeps you running.
As long as you are running on the treadmill (i.e., after desires), there is no relaxation. Somewhere you have to press the 'stop' button and sit down!
This is what we are doing. Running and galloping on the treadmill does not take you anywhere. Time and again, when you relax, you understand the truth. But even that state cannot be there forever. So again another thought, another desire will come.
What does Yogi mean? One who gets one desire in one year.
What does Ayogi mean? One who gets a million desires in every moment; every day.
So lessen your desires.
Now you may ask, 'How can I lessen my desires?. Know that everything is going to finish! That’s all. This is Vairagya, and you don’t need any practice for this.
Everything is going to finish! This one thought is an antidote for desires. Everything is going to be finished. This is meditation. Without vairagya, meditation is next to impossible!
Om Namah Shivay
Mood ManagementA mood is different from an emotional reaction. Emotions are like the waves created on the surface of the lake by the wind. They tend to be reactions to external situations and short lived. Can you count how many emotions you experienced today?
A mood is something deeper and it lasts for longer. Moods influence our interpretation of events, our outlook and interactions with others. They can be positive or negative. Negative moods are often the influence of our past experiences. We easily feel trapped in them and no matter what we do, we just can’t seem to shake it off!
How about the pessimistic (I’ll never get a job) versus the optimistic (I will get a job) mood? The ‘rejected’ mood with it’s pervading expectation of rejection? Or what about the other kind of moods we seem to drift through daily: the happy and light-hearted mood; the angry and fiery mood; the cool and unruffled mood.
Everyone wants to be in a positive mood don’t they? Does anyone go on a course to learn how to create and perfect an unhappy mood? So, what can we do to free ourselves from negative moods? The secret is to know our true value and uniqueness, and to divest ourselves of any false beliefs we may be holding.
We tend to define who we are based on our appearance, position, job or wealth rather than by our inner qualities, values and identity. We all share an original state of peace, love, wisdom, purity and happiness. When we begin to work with these and express these we increase our self-respect, self-belief and our positivity. As we align with our truth we feel more more content and less less needy and our prevailing mood becomes more and more light and positive. It all begins by choosing to generate something positive from within.
Om Namah Shivay
do read it ...AMAZING FROZEN LEMONSPlace the washed lemon in the freezer.Once frozen, get your grater, and shred the whole lemon (no need to peel it) and sprinkle it on top of your foods! On vegetables, salad, ice cream,jj soup, cereals, noodles, spaghetti sauce,rice, sushi, fish dishes, ... the list is endless. All the foods will get an unexpected wonderful taste!Most likely, you only think of lemon juice as vitamin C??
Not anymore!
What's the major advantage of using the whole lemon other than preventing waste and
adding new taste to your dishes?
Lemon peels contain as much as 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the
lemon juice itself. And that's what you've been wasting!
Lemon peels are health rejuvenators in eradicating toxic
elements in the body.
The surprising benefits of lemon is the miraculous ability to kill cancer cells! It is 10,000 times stronger
than chemotherapy!!
Why do we not know about that?
Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic version that will bring them huge profits.
You can now help a friend in need by letting him/her know that lemon juice is beneficial
in preventing the disease. Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific
effects of chemotherapy.
How many people will die while this closely guarded secret is kept, so as not to jeopardize the multimillionaires large corporations?
This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types.
It is considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms,
it regulates blood pressure
and an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous disorders.
The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of the largest drug
manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970,
the extracts revealed that It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including
colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas... The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better effect than the product Adriamycin,
a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing the growth of cancer cells.
And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and it does not affect healthy cells. .
So, give those lemons a good wash, freeze them and grate them. Your whole body will love you for it!!
* Kashi Vishwanath Jyotirling ~ Varanasi * Some see Him as Mahayogi ( the yogi of yogis) ,Some see Him as the householder,Some see Him as destroyer,Some see Him as Lord of Lords,
Some see Him asRudra ( the fierce God ),
Some see Him as Bhairva ( the terrible one ),
Some see Him as Natraja ( the Eternal dancer ),
Some see Him as Bholenath ( the innocent, benevolent one ),
Some see Him as Ardhanarisvara ( half male & half female ),
Some see Him as Kailashpati ( Lord of Kailash ),
Some see Him as Gangadhar ( Lord of river Ganga),
Some see Him as Mahakaal ( Lord of all times ),
Some see Him as Umapati ( Husband of Devi Uma )
Some see Him as Omkara ( the creator of Om )
No matter in what form you try to seek Him, He is inside all of us. Just close your eyes and call Him, Shiva will guide you to your goal.
Video : OM Namh Shivaya by Krishna Das
GYAN CHAKSHUThe Gorakh nath yogis teach in their Kundalini yoga that the spiritual journey is within, and that the ascent is marked by stations of achievement , which correspond to energy vortices within the body of the meditator. These are called chakras, and they are mainly seven in number starting from Mul adhara from the bottom , rising upto the seventh, called sahasrara on top of the head. But the sixth chakra , called ajna is very important. Lord Shiva is the Dhyani par excellence. Always centered on the Ajna chakra ( between the eyebrows) . This is where the Gyan chakshu, the third eye is. And Shivji is the master of the third eye. Ajna (pronounced AGYA) means command, and it is indeed from here where the Self commands itself and all its bodily actions. In the case of Shivji, the command extends to the entire universe when meditated from here. Aum Namah Shivaya!
Shiva as a warrior. What An interesting pic from the net with Shivji dressed completely as a warrior.In any form he evokes a lot of interest, and seen here with his loyal snake also in a martial stance around His neck! Aum Namah Shivaya!
Lord Shiva
Shivlinga darshan all the way from Australia, taken on your holiday in Jammu.
This Bhajan they sing all the way from Hungary! . Aum Namah Shivaya!
Hail to the one Rudra, the one Siva, the Mahadeva, the Mahesvara, the beloved of parvati, Sarva, the origin of all gods.Sivastotravali of Utpala, hymn 14, verse 2
HE BRINGS OUT THE GOODNESS IN YOU!!How beautiful is the great poem sung in praise of Shiva, by Ravana-The Shiva tandava Strotam! It is sung millions of times over in the Shiva Bhakts Homes and Temples. Such is the greatness of Shiva- an association with Him will always help find your own Goodness.Such, Is the Lord of the Dance, Nataraja Maharaja! Aum Namah Shivaya!
Impact of ActionEvery action has a reward; pleasant, unpleasant, or mixed. There are only three types of rewards. When you act, that action brings you some positive reward, or some negative reward, or some positive and negative reward. The effect of all these rewards stay only for some time. So the wise will not worry about it.In every action there is something positive and there is something that is negative. An action cannot be 100% perfect. Focus on the positive things that develop out of an action. And don’t worry about the effect of the action, just keep moving.
If you have done a wrong action, that has taught you a lesson not to repeat it next time. If you have done the right action, it encourages you to do many more of the same right actions.
If you find that in the action you did, there are some things that you could improve, then you can always improve on that.
Om Namah Shivay
Success Advice: Be Open To ImprovementSometimes, people get into the habit of thinking they have the answers needed.You need to accept that you do not have all the answers and more importantly,be open to recommendations from other people. That does not mean you haveto agree or even follow those suggestions, but it does mean to listen. You neverknow when someone will have an idea that will make things easier and morefunctional, ultimately helping you arrive at your goal more efficiently.Om Namah Shivay
Crimes Happen When Intellect is Lost Through Bad CompanyThat company which gets you lost, which doesn’t let you learn from your own experience, is bad company. You can gallop on such a horse forever without being aware of anything in your life. That is how people commit the same mistake over and over again and get totally dejected and depressed their whole life - and they do not even know that they are miserable. They are no doubt miserable and they make everyone around them miserable, isn’t that so? That is bad company.
Kama krodha moha smriti bhramsha - they forget all about themselves. There is no memory of them left, of who they are, what they are, what they want, where they are heading. They have no idea who they were, how they were. All adults forget that they were teenagers once, and that they, too, had problems as teenagers. When they have teenage children, they think the children are not doing well. Every adult feels that the children don’t listen - they forget that they, also, did not listen to their parents at a particular time.
Smriti bhramsha - when the delusion comes, the memory loss happens. You lose your memory, you lose the knowledge of who you are. Buddhi nasha - the intellect becomes clouded. When the intellect is hazy, not clear, not sharp, everything appears wrong. It is the intellect, the buddhi, that says, “This is good, this is not good; this is right, this is not right.” That which is, that which brings short-term joy and long-term misery is bad. That which brings long-term joy and short-term misery is good. This is the definition of good and bad. Good brings long-term joy and short-term challenges, problems, and bad is something that brings long-term problems and short-term joy. It is the intellect which decides whether this is good or not good, and when the intellect, itself, is gone, everything is lost. When the discrimination power in you is lost, then you are totally lost.
This is what you will find if you go and talk to prisoners in jail. At the spur of the moment they lost their intellect and they lost everything. All crimes can only happen when the intellect or the discrimination is lost, and most of them lose it through bad company. That is why mobs create more violence. The individual person cannot do so much harm - in a mob they throw stones, put fire to buses and trucks and break things. The mob becomes more violent than a single individual person. It is the mob psychology - a mob is more violent because they lose their intellect, they lose their discrimination. That is why bad company is to be shunned. Good company is that which cheers you up, which elevates you, which brings a pleasant attitude and feeling within you.
Om Namah Shivay
The most unreliable thing in your life is your own mind. One minute, it likes something, another minute it likes something else. So, your mind goes all over the place. So, you cannot rely on your own mind. Once you know this, you will laugh, you will smile. Never mind: why should I control someone else’s mind when my mind itself is not under my control? Isn’t it?============================Q: What is the difference between aradhana (prayer), and sadhana (meditation)?Guruji : What is called sadhana for yogis is aradhana for devotees. The only difference is in the language usage.
Q: Guruji, which aspects of education should I concentrate on as an educator?
Guruji : Education is not just stuffing information into brain. It is all about communication, learning to manage one's own emotions, and putting forth the creativity that people understand and make use of.
Total dedication brings enormous enthusiasm, zeal, trust and challenge and does not leave any room for ego.
Q: I am unable to give my 100 percent, despite all my efforts.
Guruji : It’s okay, give your 99 percent. If you can’t do that either, then give your 90 percent. That is also okay.
Om Namah Shivay
Q: Guruji, how to keep oneself motivated all the time because sometimes the adverse conditions around try to bring the prana down and when the prana level is low in the body then I feel very frustrated and unhappy and lose all the motivation to go even a step ahead. Thank you for being in my life.Guruji : When you are losing motivation that is a sign that you are tired, you need recuperation. You have said that prana is low. So for one, two or three days go into retreat. Some silence, meditation, yoga, pranayama and a liquid diet will help.
You know sometimes when we eat too much and too much of the wrong food then also you feel so tired, isn’t it? How many of you have had this experience? Because when you are not feeling good you eat more and when you eat more you feel even more tired, so it is a catch 22 cycle, right? It’s a cycle that goes on. So, little detoxification/fresh fruit or juice diet coupled with Pranayama will work magic.
When you have no motivation to do anything you feel so lazy to even do breathing exercises, that is why I would advise you to go on a diet and after 1 to 2 days this cleansing would help you.
Om Namah Shivay
Is Pitra Dosh really a curse of ancestors?Is this true or a mere superstition?Pitra Dosh is a big phenomenon in Hindu dharma, and more and more people are spending time, effort and money in performing rituals to free themselves of this "ancestral curse". The philosophy behind this is that if we caused some unhappiness to our ancestors when they were alive, or if we have easily forgotten the ancestors who have left us, their souls are displeased and heap curses on us. Sounds too far-fetched? Many people don't seem to think so.
Pitra Paksha
Pitra Paksha is the name of the phase when Hindus perform certain rituals to honour their ancestors with feelings of respect and love, but in today's times, it seems to be more out of fear of misfortune or to seek material favours. The 15-day period starts with Pratipada Shraadh and ends with Sarvapitri Amavasya. Since that Amavasya day marks the beginning of Ashwin Navataras, the Pitra Paksha is also known as Mahalaya Pitra Paksha.
The Ritual Of Shraadh
The ritual in remembrance of one's ancestors is known as Shraadh. Though shraadh can be performed at home, it is considered extra special if one travels to certain places - like Gaya in Bihar, Varanasi and Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh, Haridwar and Rishikesh in Uttarakhand, and Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu to perform the Pitra Paksha shraadh ritual.`
A Common Effort
Pitra Paksha is a common time for all Hindus to perform shradh for their ancestors together. Otherwise, the shradh thithi or death anniversary is when one performs shradh for one's ancestors. Yet another date when one can perform shradh is on amavasya (no moon day) every month.
Dos and Donts of Tarpan
Offering of water and other symbolic items, accompanied by recitation of mantras, to the souls of departed ancestors - is known as tarpan. Considering the solemnity of the occasion, brightly coloured or strongly scented flowers are not used for this ritual. Neither are iron vessels used for shradh karma, with only silver vessels being used. Eating betel leaf, taking oil massage etc - considered symbols of pleasure - are to be avoided by the person performing the shradh. For the same reasons, refraining from using kasturi (deer musk), gorochan and rakt chandan, are advised. Eating food from outside sources is also prohibited for a person doing shradh. After the dont's, come the do's: black sesame seeds are considered auspicious at shradha, as is use of kusha grass (dharba).
The Shradh Feast
After shraadh, it is customary to feed at least two sadhaks or Brahmin priests, who may have helped you to perform the ceremony also. Then, it is a must to place some food on the porch wall or balcony ledge so as to invite crows to feed upon the meal, as a crow is symbolic of our ancestors in Hindu philosophy. When a crow pecks at the food, it's as if an ancestor is tasting the meal - which is why sumptuous dishes are cooked for the shradh feast. Pitra, or Pitru, refers to the lineage of one's deceased ancestors who are believed to exist in soul form.
Why Appease Ancestors?
When Pitras are satisfied, the Hindu belief is that the Devatas known as Vasus (incharge of wealth), Rudras (incharge of protection and courage), and Adityas (incharge of health), will be pleased and grant favours accordingly.
Daan or Donations
Àfter shradhkarma, ten articles can also be donated to Brahmans. The mahadaan or great donation items include the cow (Gowdaan or godaan), the foremost donation; land (Bhumi Daan), which one can hardly afford and can therefore keep a symbolic lump of clay on a thali, take a sankalp and donate to a Brahmin along with some dakshina in the form of money; black sesame seeds; gold (swarn daan); ghee (ghrit daan) made of cow's milk; clothes (vastra daan); donation of cereals (dhaanya daan); jaggery (gud daan); silver (rajat daan) and salt (lavan).
Shradh Mantra
After shradhkarma, a prayer is offered to Maha Vishnu, with the recitation of this mantra: Yasya Smirtya cha Namoktaya Tapoyagya Kriyadishu, Newnam Sampurntam Yati Sadhyo Vande Tamchayutam
Recitation From Scriptures
The Upanishads mention the story of Nachiketa, where Lord Yama describes to the devoted Nachiketa the journey of a soul. Then, recitation of the Ganga Avatarana chapter from Valmiki Ramayan is said to grant satisfaction to Pitra and thus ensure their blessings upon us.
Pitra Kriya Superior to Dev Kriya?
In some religious texts, it is considered more important to do Pitra Kriya (ritual for a forefather) than Dev Kriya (ritual to please a God). The importance of shradh is mentioned in ancient scriptures like Garuda Purana, Matsya Purana, Vishnu Purana, Vayu Purana and Manu Smriti, which underscore the benefits of performing shraadh. They say our ancestors bless us with all the joys of life - like marriage, children and material wealth.
Science Behind Shradhkarma
The reason for shradhkarma is supposed to have a scientific as well as logical reasoning. The human body is said to be made up of five koshas – Annamaya Kosha (body), Pranmaya Kosha (heart), Manonaya Kosha (mind), Vigyanman Kosha (wisdom and knowledge) and Anandmaya Kosha (blessings). These five koshas are intertwined with one another so as to help one transcend the cycle of life and death and attain liberation or merging with the Supreme.
Bhootas And Gatis
After death, four koshas remain in this world. The koshas keep moving and their movement is called Bhootgati. These Koshas leave the body one by one. In the end, when human body is burnt, the soul is said to depart from human body and all the koshas enter Pret-Yoni. Manomaya Kosha is said to be very important in this yoni. So, it is the human body which ends at the time of death and the soul residing in the body, bears pleasure and pain because of desires still present in this yoni.
The End Of Desires
When these desires end, then this kosha is also liberated. All the other three Koshas attain Devgati. Now, Anandnaya Kosha remains alone and this gati is called Ishtgati. It denotes both manifestation and completion of the physical universe in total. In Ishgati, the being does not feel pleasure or pain and reaches Surya Lok.
How Rebirth Happens
From Surya Lok, it comes back to earth by the rays of the sun and enters the womb. In the tenth month, it takes birth as human. Those who are liberated after death, their five koshas are also liberated and they do not suffer in any one of these Gatis.This is the natural cycle, which indicates that a being mainly faces two types of Gatis after death. One is Liberation and second is being trapped in a continuous cycle of life and death. In the first case, a being is liberated from all pains and desires. In the second case, being has to go or bear four Doshas and Yonis.
Insatiated Lust
Bhoot Yoni dies after the body is burnt, that is why a dying person hardly stays in that Yoni. At this time, there is no reason to perform any Shradhkarma or yagya. Of course, pind daan can be done. The duration of staying in Pretyoni depends upon the lust and desires of the dying person. The more it is involved in lust, the more it has to stay in Pretyoni and suffer. One cannot perform any Karma or religious work; neither can it experience physical pain or happiness because of its karma. Both virtuous and vicious get liberation from their subtle body after bearing the fruits of their karmas (good or bad) and when their desires are gratified.
Bad Karma Of Pitra
It is evident that by performing Shradhkarma in Shradhpaksha for the peace of ancestors souls in this birth, deceased ancestors get liberation from their bad deeds or sins. That is the reason those who are physically present in this world, perform shradkarma for their dead ancestors during Pitra Paksha.
Shraddha In The Shradh
The purpose of Shradh is to repay any debts we owe to our deceased ancestors by gratifying their spirits as well as to make free of their sins. The importance of performing Shradhkarma with full devotion has been mentioned in the Shastras. According to Shastras, "Shradya pitran udishya vidhina kriyate yatkarm tat shradham", meaning, "whatever acts or deeds you perform with devotion for your near and dear ones who have died, is called shradh."
Sincerity A Must
This is the point I've been trying to make: That the essence and purpose of this beautiful Hindu ritual is to remember and express gratitude to ancestors who are connected to their descendents in so many ways. If one does not include the important ingredient of love, it remains a meaningless ritual that equals exchange of money to priests, a day spent doing rituals that seem like a waste of time and voicing mantras without understanding their true purport.
The Best Homage
Another way to honour one's departed ancestors, whose souls will in effect also bless us, may be to remember them in our daily rush, follow their relevant teachings and honour their spirit, and if time and money permits, to perform these rituals as well, not the other way round...
Om Namah Shivay