Sunday 4 November 2018

Devotion may arise from any or all the three qualities, namely sattva, rajas and tamas.

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Devotion may arise from any or all the three qualities, namely sattva, rajas and tamas. On the one extreme is the satvic (selfless) devotion of the purest kind extolled in the Bhagavadgita by Lord Krishna (12:13 - 12:20), which is selfless and pure and which leads to liberation and bliss. Next comes the rajasic (egoistic) form of devotion, which seeks to use devotion as a means to gain physical, mental or spiritual powers to further ones own interests or selfish desires. The third one is the tamasic (deluded and psychotic) devotion which is practiced by deluded people using cruel and painful methods such as animal and human sacrifices, extreme forms of self-torture and self-mortification with an aim to harm others or gain control over things and objects. Devotion may also be practiced physically in the form of rituals, fasting and sacrifices, mentally in the form of prayers and chants or spiritually in the form of meditation, concentration, detachment and renunciation.
In the Bhaktisutras, Narada describes bhakti in the following words:
That is highest love, that is like Amrit, finding which, a person becomes perfect, becomes immortal, becomes satisfied, finding which, he desires nothing more, neither grieves, nor hates, neither engages and not gets enthusiastic about anything else, having known which, he becomes as if drugged, lost as if, stunned, surprised, and dwells in his own self. By nature bhakti is free of desire, possessing the nature of unconcern towards worldly affairs, exclusive devotion toward That (God), and unconcern toward any thing that contradicts it, giving up of other shelters, and exclusively taking the shelter of That (God). Even when interacting with this world, or conducting worldly affairs, living according to That (God), and having unconcern toward anything that contradicts That (God).! 🌼🌸💚🌷🔆🐚🌿🌈💖🌸💛🌼🌈🌀🔆🌷💕💚💛🌸🌺🕉🌈
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~ Jai Shri Ram! 🌼🌸💚🌷🌀🔆🌿🌈💖🌸💛🌼🌈🐚🔆🌷💕💚💛🌸🌺🕉🌈

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