Sunday 28 April 2019

Shiva adorns himself with really unique attire

Known for his enigmatic persona, Shiva adorns himself with really unique attire ; the serpent around his neck, the adorning crescent moon, the holy river Ganga flowing from his matted hair, the third eye on his forehead and Trishul in his hand. Trishul has great significance in Hindu Religion , it is in the hands of almost all the deities but it but the significance is even more when it is held by Lord Shiva or Goddess Durga.
Trishul is polyvalent and rich in nature. Polyvalent== Having the property of counteracting several related poisons or giving immunity against many different strains of a microorganism. But in our case it has the capacity to remove our many different negative qualities which inhibit us to be one with the almighty so helps to makes us rich at spiritual level.
Shivas Trident or Trishul represents the three Gunas ; Rajas, Tamas and Sattva. He rules and wields the world through these three Gunas. They must be under control of human. The material aspect of Trishul also represents that until you dont have control over guna, you cant achieve spiritual knowledge.
The three prongs of Trishul represents trinity – Shri brahma, Shri Vishnu, Shri Mahesh ; Maa Sarasvati , Lakshmi and kaali ; 3 modes of nature - creation, maintenance and destruction ; the 3 kaala- past, present and future ; the 3 Gunas - sat , raj , tam . 3 lokas—swarg , bhu and patal ; 3 powers ; will , action and wisdom ; 3 types of miseries – physical , mental and spiritual .
Lord Shiva’s Trishul is supposed to destroy the physical world, attachment to gross the illusionary world which seems so real ; the world of the mind, the ahamkaar or ego which is a barrier between Me and HIM, thus transforms to be in the third world that is the world of spirituality –thus leads to oneness Shiva into a single non-dual plane of existence, that is bliss alone. 🕉🌙📿🌷🌈💀💙🐚🔔🔆👁⌛️🔱🐍🌻🌀🌈🙏🏻🌸
Hara Hara Mahadev ~ Jai Trishuldhari! 🕉🌙📿🌷🌈💀💙🐚🔔🔆🌺

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