Saturday 23 November 2019

Things you need to do to be happy in life.

You need to do hard things to be happy in life. Because the hard things ultimately build you up and change your life from the inside out. Daily stress is one of the primary causes of major mental and physical health problems in our lives: it can cause heart disease, anxiety, sleep deprivation, auto-immune disorders, weight problems, unhappiness, and even deep depression.
But we’re busy, we all have places to be, things to do and people to see. So, how do we alleviate stress and still get our work done right, without neglecting our loved ones and ourselves? What can we realistically start doing today to nurture our mental health and overall wellness? A few mindset shifts and a couple actions that take only a few minutes a day.
Be in the moment completely, with just one task at a time. Instead of being in a stressful task-switching state of mind, take your next task, let everything else go, and just be in the moment with this one task. There will always be a next task, because that’s the nature of TO-DO lists – they’re never-ending. Just be 100% in this one task, like it’s your entire world.
Slow down. Breathe. Review your commitments and goals. Put first things first. Do one task at a time. And always remember, results are more important than the time it takes to achieve them.
Let go of controlling what can’t be controlled. Fear is causing you to be stressed, not external factors like your job obligations or family issues. Those external factors are just a part of life, but they become stressful when you fear failure, fear people won’t like you, fear you’re not good enough, fear abandonment, and so forth.
Your fears are based on some fantasy in your head about how things are supposed to be , and you fear that your life may not live up to that fantasy, you have an image in your head that you’re going to be perfect, be comfortable all the time, and succeed on all fronts. These fantasies are a way to feel in control of a world that you don’t actually control, but they’re hurting you by causing fear and stress. Instead, let go of control. Be OK with chaos and uncertainty, and trust that things will work out. You’ll fear less and feel less stress.!!! Love, light & Peace 🌼🌈🌀👁🔔🌷🍂🕉🐍🔱🐚🌸🌙🏔⌛️💀🌻🍃📿🔆🌺🌿🌈
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Hara Hara Mahadev ~ Om Namah Shivaya 🌼🌈🌀👁🔔🌷🍂🕉🐍🔱🐚🌸🌙🏔⌛️💀🌻🍃📿🔆🌺🌿🌈

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