Sunday 1 December 2019

God never takes away something from you without replacing it with something better.

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God never takes away something from you without replacing it with something better. Yes , life is unpredictable. Nothing is permanent, everything changes; and of course, a lot of things can happen that will transform who you are and have an impact on your life. The problem is that we need to cultivate the ability to truly accept whatever comes in our life. Don't get attached to people or things, attachment lead to suffering. Shiva was attached to Sati, and even he suffered immense pain. He got extremely furious when he learnt of her death. When Sati died, Shiva was inconsolable. He wept like a child, remonstrated like a madman and openly exposed his immense grief, crying inconsolably in front of the Devas and Ganas.
This kind of behaviour does not make Shiva ungodly at all, it rather shows how humane Shiva really is. To know that the Atman is eternal, it cannot die, is one thing, but to grieve at the absence of a partner, it is possible even when a beloved is going away for a month to a far off land. So Shiva's grief does not divest him of his spiritual mastery at all, rather it shows his endearingly human vulnerability because of great love.
Learn to embrace detachment , embrace the change, the only constant. Start cultivating acceptance in your life right now to cope with future crises in a different way and a different perspective. Don't resist it. It may bring you more happiness and more peace than you had expected. It's ok to feel sad, happy people experience all these emotions too. It’s a sign of intelligence. Only fools are totally sure about their path and every choice they make. Find a way to be happy regardless of what life hands you. you can learn and grow from it and grow from the change, it's normally for the better. Yes trust God, surrender to his will, experience freedom from all worries. He shall protect you always! Love, Happiness & Peace 🗿🌼🌈🌀👁🔔🌷🍂🕉🐍🔱🐚🌸🌙🏔⌛️💀🌻🍃📿🔆🌺🌿🌈
Hara Hara Mahadev ~ Om Namah Shivaya 🗿🌼🌈🌀👁🔔🌷🍂🕉🐍🔱🐚🌸🌙🏔⌛️💀🌻🍃📿🔆🌺🌿🌈

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