Friday 24 January 2020

Hinduism sees the Divine present in all existence.

Hinduism sees the Divine present in all existence. The deepest single spiritual truth presented through the Vedas is that Brahman pervades the entire universe. This divine reality, or its essential nature, is present in all living beings, eternal, and full of bliss. Brahman is understood as the cause of creation, as well as its preservation, and dissolution and transformation, all done in a constant, repeating cycle.
Within Hinduism there is a broad spectrum of understandings about the nature of Brahman. Some Hindus believe that Brahman is infinite and formless, and can be worshipped as such, or in different forms. Other Hindus believe that the Divine is infinite and has a transcendental form. For example, some Vaishnavas believe that the one supreme form is Krishna, while Shaivites call this form Shiva.
Because Hindus believe that Brahman can take form, they accept that there are a variety of ways in which all human beings can connect with the Divine. This universal Divinity is worshipped in both male and female forms. The female form is known as Devi, which is a manifestation of Shakti. Other forms combine male and female aspects together such as Ganesha or Hanuman ji. Each of these forms has a symbolic meaning.
Hindus pray to different forms of Brahman as manifestations of particular divine qualities or powers. For example:
Shri Ganesha is honored as the remover of obstacles and honored for his great wisdom, and is often invoked before beginning any important task or project;
Maa Saraswati is the Goddess associated with learning and wisdom;
Maa Lakshmi is worshipped as the Goddess of Prosperity. God is believed to have the taken human form of Rama to show people how to live the path of Dharma.
Shri Krishna is said to have come to eradicate evil and protect good.
Lord Shiva is worshipped as the lord of time and change. Furthermore, the prominence of each of the aspects of the Divine varies depending on the lineage of the individual Hindu.!! 🍂📿🍂🌼📿🍁🍂🌼📿🍁📿🌼📿🍁🍂🌼📿🍁🍂🌼📿🍁📿🌼🌼📿🍁🍂🌼📿
Om Namo Narayana Om Namah Shivaya.!! 🍂📿🍂🌼📿🍁🍂🌼📿🍁📿🌼📿🍁🍂🌼📿🍁🍂🌼📿🍁📿🌼🌼📿🍁🍂🌼📿

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