Monday 30 March 2020

Take one step towards Shiva , he will take hundred steps towards you!

Image may contain: 1 person, standing

Take one step towards Shiva , he will take hundred steps towards you! He is constantly showering His grace on you. You have to make an effort to receive his grace.
Yes, Purify your mind to receive Shivas Grace. It won't do you any good if the mind is not pure. Be in a state of egoless ness, humble yourself. Shed the ego. Shiva is all compassion. He constantly bestows his grace upon you, the moment you kneel before him. He has blessed you, and blesses even more than we deserve, you just have to realise this. He is infinitely compassionate, it's our own mind that lacks compassion, the reason why we don't experience his grace. The light of the sun is everywhere; only we need to open the doors. Similarly, Shiva is constantly bestowing His grace upon us, but we have to open the doors of our hearts to receive it.
How many times has Shiva forgiven your mistakes? Think of the past when he has forgiven you. Being your father he allows you to make mistakes and forgives you so that you learn from them. The key is to learn valuable lessons, realise it and turn away from it. Making a mistake is inevitable, but how you use them to better your present and future is important. Have you ever seen a child learn to ride a bike, or a toddler learn to walk? They stumble and fall numerous times before getting it right. Mistakes are learning opportunities. It takes failure after failure to create success. Believe you can and you are halfway there. And never regret anything, because every little detail of your life, including your mistakes, is what made you who you are today.
So keep your head up and move forward. Be true to Shiva. Realise that he forgives you even when you don't deserve his forgiveness. Because he loves you, and forgives no matter how grave the mistake!! Love, Light & Peace 🙏🏻🌀🔱📿🌺👁🐍🕉🔆⌛️💀🌙🍃🌸🐚🔔🌈🌷🎨🙏🏻
Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~ Jai Neelkantha Mahadev ! 🙏🏻🌀🔱📿🌺👁🐍🕉🔆⌛️💀🌙🍃🌸🐚🔔🌈🌷🎨🙏🏻
Happy and blessed Monday Lovely Souls 🙏🏻🌀🔱📿🌺👁🐍🕉🔆⌛️💀🌙🍃🌸🐚🔔🌈🌷🎨🙏🏻

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