Saturday 4 July 2020

Sri Padmanabha - Lord Vishnu

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πŸ”†πŸšπŸŒ· Sri Padmanabha - Lord Vishnu. πŸŒ·πŸšπŸ”†
The painters portray Lord Vishnu like this - there is a sheer sagar (ocean of milk) with a very large cobra floating along the ocean. Within it’s coils is a sleeping Shri Vishnu. Suddenly a lotus begins growing from Shri Vishnu’s navel. When the lotus blooms, it is revealed that lord Brahma, a four headed demigod, is contained inside. Lord Brahma decides he needs to create, and meditates on.
Sheer sagar is the blissful mind, the mind in which waves of contentment arise.
The ocean of milk means that the environment is very balanced. Only when the environment is favorable can samadhi (deep meditation) happen. No matter how many Vedantas one reads, it is important to have a favorable environment.
The snake represents an awakened state of mind, kundalini shakti, that is within us.
When the kundalini shakti rises, the chaitanya shakti that lies within us, the infinite and eternal reigns. From the stomach of that infinite power, a lotus comes out effortlessly, from which Brahma appeared. Thus the creative power rose from there.
The consciousness rests in the blissful and awakened state of mind.
Blue colour body -
It means that the body is transparent as if it was not there. Whatever is infinity is represented by blue: sky is blue, ocean is blue, the great, the big, enormous depth and that bliss, that being- the soul.
Padmanabha In Sanskrit -- Padma = Lotus , Nabhi = Navel.
Padmanabha means whose navel is the size of lotus. Lord Vishnu is known as Sri Padmanabha.
The navel is also called the second brain. There are two brains in our body. One is the head and the other, the navel. It is called the solar plexus. The work that brain does is supported by the solar plexus. Half of the work is done by it. That is why when the stomach is upset, mostly there is chaos in the mind, there are a lot of thoughts in the mind.
So it is said, those who practice yoga sadhana have a blossomed solar plexus. The solar plexus grows to the size of an orange for those who do yoga sadhana and meditation.
Lord Vishnu is depicted lying down, and a lotus comes out of his navel, followed by Brahma. Creation came later, first the strength to nurture was born. (In Hindu philosophy, Shri Vishnu is the sustainer of the universe and Brahma is considered as the creator of the universe).
Many people believe that God is tired after working. No, no! For God, creation is effortless. Like for a housewife, making tea is effortless – she can talk, sing and still make the tea.
Om Namo Narayana ~ Jai Shri Vishnu πŸ’™πŸŒ·πŸƒπŸ•‰πŸ”†πŸšπŸπŸ‘πŸ””πŸŒ·πŸŒˆπŸ“ΏπŸƒπŸ•‰πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’™πŸ‚πŸŒ·

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