Sunday 7 August 2022

No wonder life often feels like a big, confusing mess.


Each of us carry around unneeded energy, yet very few of us have a clear concept of energetic hygiene. Because of that, our energy is all up in each other’s energy and nobody is clear on whose is whose. No wonder life often feels like a big, confusing mess.
But When you clear out energy that doesn’t serve your life’s purpose, you’ll feel really good. Many people have a sense of lightness, focus, reduced anxiety, even deep peace—and realize how crushing it was to carry around all that unneeded energy.
Whether you’re a yoga teacher who comes in contact with many people (and all of their energy) on a daily basis or you simply find yourself in a heated meeting at work or feeling sensitive after scrolling through social media, here is an energy-clearing practice to help you make room in your energy body, manage your boundaries, and cultivate more of what you want in your life.
Bubble of Light-
This is a common practice because it is both simple and effective, and you can do this technique seated, standing, or lying down.
Close your eyes and focus on your inner core. Imagine a flame igniting and burning white, bright, and strong. Charge this flame with the task of protecting your energy body.
Determine that nothing will permeate or attach itself to you unless you permit it. Encourage its light to expand until it fills your body. Once your body is filled with this light, push it through your skin in all directions, infusing your energy body. You can start each day with this practice or simply employ it whenever necessary.
It is especially effective in situations where there is a lot of energy flying around. For example, heated meetings, fraught social or family gatherings, or unpleasant social media interactions are excellent times to cloak yourself in light. You’ll feel more like your true self and be able to share your light and help others.
Om Namah Shivaya !

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