Thursday 22 June 2023



The Holy Ganga, descends from the Heavens. She is full of Divine force and wisdom, and it is not possible to straight away receive her upon the earth. Thus it is Shiva's way to meditate, receive the Gyan Ganga upon His head; Stabilize the impact and then, trickle it down gently for the others, so that they too may quench their thirst. This forms the basis of the "Guru shishya" Maryada of Hinduism. The Guru, who has himself attained to Samadhi and is firmly entrenched in God consciousness, may then help others on their path.
There is a very thin line between intelligence and Insanity. Divine consciousness means a very high intelligence, hitherto, unknown, to the new seeker. So it cannot be given so freely that it leads to insanity, thus we say trickle it.
If you go too fast, you fall; go too slow, you will fall again.
The Guru is called the dispeller of darkness, like the Sun. The Sun enables us to see, but if we look to it directly, we lose our sight, we go blind, darkness again.
Therefore Shiva,The primal Guru, in His kindness, chooses a pace, known only to Him. He meditates, and receives the Ganga upon His head. When the time is right, He passes this Atma gyan to those who seek.
Aum Namah Shivaye.
~ From the book " The Yogi and the snake " by Shail Gulhati: Shiva and Mysticism.

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