Tuesday 8 April 2014

My Obeisance To The Master Of The Universe

Photo: FB371 *** My Obeisance To The Master Of The Universe *** 

Like White is the basis of all colors,Lord Shiv, all pervading Consciousness, is the basis of everything in existence. The three eyes of Shiva represent the sun, moon, and fire. Through his three eyes, Shiva can see past, present, and future. 

The moon is Soma, the nectar of the gods, the substance produced when meditating.

The Ganges symbolizes purification. 

The flow of Shiva’s matted hair represents Vayu, the wind. 

Wearing a snake around his neck, Shiva is shown to be beyond fear, beyond time, and beyond the power of death. He is also the master of kundalini energy on one’s path to enlightenment. 

Lord Shiva wears vibhuti, sacred ash, reminding us that the ultimate reality of life is beyond the physical realm. 

The tiger is the vehicle of Shakthi, Mother Nature, and Shiva is beyond the power of Nature. 

The trident of Shiva is the symbol of the three qualities of nature, the three gunas: sattwa, rajas, and tamas, that are in his control.

Shiva rides Nandi, the bull, showing that he is master of his impulses and also symbolically portraying the transmutation of physical energy to spiritual energy.

*** My Obeisance To The Master Of The Universe *** 

Like White is the basis of all colors,Lord Shiv, all pervading Consciousness, is the basis of everything in existence. The three eyes of Shiva represent the sun, moon, and fire. Through his three eyes, Shiva can see past, present, and future.

The moon is Soma, the nectar of the gods, the substance produced when meditating.

The Ganges symbolizes purification.

The flow of Shiva’s matted hair represents Vayu, the wind.

Wearing a snake around his neck, Shiva is shown to be beyond fear, beyond time, and beyond the power of death. He is also the master of kundalini energy on one’s path to enlightenment.

Lord Shiva wears vibhuti, sacred ash, reminding us that the ultimate reality of life is beyond the physical realm.

The tiger is the vehicle of Shakthi, Mother Nature, and Shiva is beyond the power of Nature.

The trident of Shiva is the symbol of the three qualities of nature, the three gunas: sattwa, rajas, and tamas, that are in his control.

Shiva rides Nandi, the bull, showing that he is master of his impulses and also symbolically portraying the transmutation of physical energy to spiritual energy.

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