Saturday 27 June 2015

When we see photos of Shiva, he is generally depicted in white in colour, except for his neck which is dark blue. He leads a life of severe austerities. But in the images we find him tall and well built. His body is usually besmeared with ashes. Though he is described in the scriptures as god of anger, in the images we generally find him in his cheerful and jovial mood.

When we see photos of Shiva, he is generally depicted in white in colour, except for his neck which is dark blue. He leads a life of severe austerities. But in the images we find him tall and well built. His body is usually besmeared with ashes. Though he is described in the scriptures as god of anger, in the images we generally find him in his cheerful and jovial mood. Sometimes he is depicted with a lot of innocence in his demeanour as Bholenath. He is generally shown sitting cross-legged in a yogic posture, with his eyes closed and deep in meditation. When he is shown with his eyes open, his face expresses love and compassion. The images of Shiva evoke in us deep emotions. Those who are inclined to worship god are naturally drawn to him as they hold him in their minds. Shiva is a god of utter simplicity, exemplary humility and austerity. A tiger skin and an elephant skin serve as his garments. His body color which is white, denotes his purity, Shivam and association with the snowy mountains. Very humble and detached from all material desires, eternally happy and self satisfied, he is therefore very easy to be please. He drank the most potent poison, killed the asuras, and can grant boons by legitimate amount of penance. Once pleased Bholenath can be asked for anything, no matter how absurd or perilous, and he will grant it, justifying the name Bholenath for his gullibility! Jai Bholenath!

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