Friday 27 November 2015

God is love. Love is God. God is nectar. God is prem. Bhakti is supreme love towards God. Bhakti is the greatest power on earth.

ૐ The Shiva Tribe ૐ's photo.

"O adorable lord of love and compassion , give me faith and devotion. Let my mind be ever fixed on thy lotus feet. Let me have constant remembrance of thee. Let me sing thy glory always. Om Shiva Namo Shivaya Namah." ~ God is love. Love is God. God is nectar. God is prem. Bhakti is supreme love towards God. Bhakti is the greatest power on earth. It gushes from one's pure heart. It redeems and saves. It purifies the heart. Bhakti is of two kinds ~ Apara Bhakti (a lower type of devotion) and Para Bhakti (supreme love). Ringing bells and waving lights is Apara Bhakti. A devotee who practises this has no expanded heart, is a sectarian and dislikes other kinds of bhaktas who worship other deities. In Para Bhakti, there is no ritualistic worship, the devotee is absorbed in God. In supreme love the devotee forgets himself entirely; he only thinks thoughts of God. Para Bhakti and jnana are one. In the end the two become one. Bhakti grows gradually just as you grow a flower or a tree in a garden. Faith is necessary for attaining God-realisation. Faith can work wonders. Faith can move mountains. Faith can take you to the inner chambers of the Lord where reason dare not enter. Evil company is the enemy of devotion. A bhakta always does everything to please the Lord. He will abandon everything that displeases the Lord. Thus he corrects himself and removes all defects.! Jai ShankarParvati!

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