Saturday 1 July 2017

Remember, with every problem there is always a solution.

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Remember, with every problem there is always a solution. Problems can't exist without a solution. Black can't exist without white or other colours. Up can't exist without down. All that is needed is for us to make ourselves available for the solution and to tap into it. 🕉👁🕉 Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for weekend vibes. 📿🐚📿 Remember to shine in the crisis. We are born problem solvers. As humans our creative capability is endless. There is usually not just one solution to any problem but many. So calm and center yourself. Find your happy place and bring awareness into your body. Don't allow outside circumstances to shake you. Know that problems exist only in the mind. Over time our peace can become unshakable and you can be the happiest person in the world. Continue with your practise of chanting. Chanting will radically improve your life. Chanting is a spiritual discipline which improves listening skills, heightened energy and more sensitivity toward others. Chants express devotion, gratitude, peace, compassion and call in light into someone's life. Chanting brings you closer to your Lord. So when ever you don't understand what to do, immediately start chanting the name of your Ishta Dev. Start with Shri Ganesha, god of wisdom and success who destroys all obstacles. Om Gan Ganapataya Namah, ~ "I bow to the elephant-faced deity who is capable of removing all obstacles. I pray for blessings and protection." This is especially beneficial when facing big challenges in life. Om Namah Shivaya is the most powerful healing mantra beneficial for all physical and mental ailments. Soulful recitation of this will bring peace to heart and mind. 📿🕉🐘🌀🎨🙏🏻
Love, light & peace ~ Blessed weekend ! 🕉💖🕉

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