Monday 3 July 2017

Shiva loves you, he loves us all.

Image may contain: 1 person, standing

Shiva loves you, he loves us all. And he created us for some purpose. Our whole reason for being on earth is to do the good deeds that Shiva Himself prepared in advance for us to do! His divine power has given us everything we need for life. Shiva wants us to spread goodness, even if someone hurts us. 🔱👁🔱 Namaste Lovely Souls. It's time for Monday Mantra. 💀🐍💀Yes, We are not supposed to mistreat the ones who hurt us. Shiva wants us to bless them even if they continue with that hurtful behaviour. Blessing others is a powerful protection to keep you from becoming bitter, hateful, and bent on revenge. Though its normal to curse back when someone who hurts you. When we do that we fall into the same gutter the other person is already in. We stoop to their level. But remember Shiva doesn't want you to do that. Your actions need to be determined by focusing on what Shiva wants you to do. I know easier said than done, bless those who hurt you. Because God's blessing is far more important than the hatred from other people. He is watching every little action, nothing is hidden from him, he will protect you and bless you. Forgive those who hurt you. This enables you to be at peace in your heart. We can't change the behaviour of people towards us, but we can change our own behaviour by learning how we respond to them. Learn to pray for those who mistreat you. Pray that Shiva gives them wisdom. This helps you focus your attention on God. Instead of being consumed with the hurt, you focus on Shiva, the one who can heal all your hurt, and give you the power to respond in a radically new way. His name is like an ointment. Fix your minds on Shiva instead. Shivas presence creates Auspiciousness everywhere. Shiva is dukh harta. Shiva is kalyankaari. Shiva will provide you strength, he will destroy the darkness in you. Shankar is one who blesses everybody with peace. So be one with your Shiva, merge into him and attain immense bliss! Love, light & Peace 👁🕉🔱🐍🌀💀🌿🌙🌷🐚📿🔔🎨
Jai Shiva Shankar Bholenath ~ Hari Om Tat Sat Namah Shivaya 🕉
Shubh Somvaar ~ Happy And Blessed Day! 💖

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