Saturday 1 July 2017


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“No one was ever sure of His antiquity, or His antecedents; none knew who His parents were, or if He was actually a sibling to the Vedic Gods. Some said He was Brahma’s son, others asserted He was Swayambhu, the Self-created, who, after manifesting Himself, in fact, created Brahma also.”
“So what is the truth, Gurudeva? Who created who?”
“No one could know for sure,” said Suta. “Every search for Him spiraled into a concentricity of a higher realm. Even after hearing about Him endlessly, one would come back to the same mystery.”
“He is the Supreme, in the midst of all beings,” ancient Seers noted in their historic notes.
“He is The God,” they emphasised, and in their tedious manuscripts, added, “Ultimately, of All things.”
“Time and again He has appeared on the scene and time and again, He has vanished. No one knows where He comes from.
The one thing that’s almost certain is, that even when He appears to us for the first time, the records of our forefathers remind us that He has been here before us all and so, no one knows where He comes from, or when He was born,” they repeated.He is SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.

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