Tuesday 4 July 2017


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I have always thought of Swami Vivekananda as Shiva manifest.
In the absolute, all is Shiva, all is the same consciousness.
But when the lila of the world begins, this one consciousness does take on a playful duality; night and day, dark and bright ,pain and pleasure, striving and leisure, and so on.
We get an ocean of people, plain 'living beings', blissfully involved in this world and ignorant of the 'Self' .Then there are seekers,who wish to know more;if such a self does exist?
And then sages,who touch upon the truth of reality, or which part is the dream. And yes, this is topped with a whole array of gods!
And you have relativity at its best.
Although in the absolute , Rama and Shiva are one, in the relative world of manifestation, they are as far apart from each other as two individuals can be.The one was full of kingship even in exile, the other was an ascetic even in the midst of his million beings. The Hindu dharma consents that a person can actually choose their Ishta ( Patron God) , in so doing, the dharma amply upholds this' difference' that the ONE consciousness projects out of itself , upon itself, for itself to explore. And so, we are back to "Who among all that came to earth, had the highest Shiva nature?"
All of us having emanated from the same Shiva Tattva, who was the Para pramata, the highest experient of that supreme consciousness?
And Vivekananda comes rushing into my senses, each and every time, effortlessly, as shiva , who has always been what he is.
what are my reasons to say so? well that's a long story i hope to tell one day. But for now, borrowing from the Matth records:
In one of Vivekananda's early visits, Sri Ramakrishna said to him : 'Behold, in you is Shiva! And in me is Shakti! And these two are One!'
According to the testimony of the Mother-guided Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda is 'Siva', born 'to bring spiritual consciousness to people'
Swami Vivekananda had great fascination for Lord Shiva during his childhood. As he grew older his love for Shiva, the Lord of monks and yogis deepened. And now in the Himalayas, the abode of the Great God,the thought of Him was uppermost in the Swami's mind.
`Yes!' he said of Shiva one day, `He is the Great God, calm, beautiful and silent; and I am His great worshipper'
during his stay in Kashmir, Swami Vivekananda was in a
different world altogether. Visions of Shri Amarnath, Mother Kali and Kshir Bhavani remained always with him. Later at Belur Math he said :"Since visiting Amarnath, I feel as though Shiva were sitting on my head for twenty-four hours a day and will not come down."

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