Monday 3 July 2017


Image may contain: 2 people, cloud, sky, nature and outdoor

“Bhole Nath…” Shiva heard her sweet voice.
He looked at Sati’s limp body in His own arms.
“ Bhole Nath…” He heard her again,and hugged her tightly,tears falling freely from His eyes.
He looked desperately at her eyes, waiting for them to open out of slumber. They did not.
Sati was dead, and gone.
The voices Shiva heard,were just in His head,arising straight from His hurting heart. Slowly,He alighted from the ground,and lifting her gently,almost as if she was an extension of His own being, began walking away from Daksha’s plains towards His own mountains.
There was a strange look on His face.The ganas didn’t know quite what to make of this look,but quietly began to follow their master.
Shiva turned around, and in emotionally choked, albeit authoritative tone, commanded “No one shall follow me from here on. I wish to be alone with Sati.”
“But Lord…” the ganas cried
“I said, I wish to be alone with Sati, you may all return to your own homes…and families” repeated Shiva poignantly.The ganas all recognised the finality in their master’s voice, and stopped where they were.
With sadness, they watched this scene of exit as if it was a metaphor :
The walk from the mundane plains of the city to the lofty mountain ranges of Shiva.
They watched without blinking,till their eyes watered. They watched till their ‘larger than life’ master become a little dot merging into the distant mountains, and then finally fade away completely from their sight. And they wondered if this metaphor would last forever.
They wondered if Godliness would disappear for ever from their lives .
~ SHIVA, The Ultimate Time Traveller.Part 2.

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