Wednesday 29 November 2017

Ganesha is not only a deity in the macrocosm, he also symbolizes intelligence (buddhi) in the human body. In creation, he represents Mahat, the highest form of Prakriti (Nature).

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Ganesha is not only a deity in the macrocosm, he also symbolizes intelligence (buddhi) in the human body. In creation, he represents Mahat, the highest form of Prakriti (Nature). Intelligence (buddhi) which is responsible for our reasoning and discernment is considered the higher mind in modern parlance. It is responsible for the executive functions of the brain. The Bhagavata Tattva clearly declares, "Ganapathi is the lord of universal intelligence (mahat-tattva.)" In Hinduism, intelligence is considered the first and the highest among the finite realities (tattvas) of Nature. Finite realities are perishable and subject to decay and impermanence, compared to the infinite realities, namely Purusha (Self) and Prakriti (Nature) which are eternal, independent, self-existent, indestructible and infinite. Accordingly, Ganesha, who embodies intelligence, is also considered the first among the gods, next only to Shiva and Parvathi, the infinite realities.
According to Hindu scriptures, intelligence is said to be a reflection of the Self or Isvara (Lord) in the body. In a living being, the Self represents Shiva, and the body, Nature or Parvati. Intelligence exists in the body so long as the two are together, but disappears when the Self departs from it. In other words, intelligence manifests in creation only when Purusha (Shiva) and Prakriti (Parvathi) are together. It is truly a child of both, just as Ganesha is.! 🐘🕉👁🌀🎨🙏🏻
Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah 🕉🙏🏻🕉

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