Tuesday 16 July 2019

Guru Purnima (16 July 2019)

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Guru Purnima is a day dedicated to teachers. Guru is a teacher, master, a guide, the one who directs the student to the right path. The word Guru is derived from two words, gu and ru. The Sanskrit root gu means darkness or ignorance, and ru denotes the remover of that darkness. Therefore, a Guru is one who removes the darkness of our ignorance.
Many Hindus celebrate the day in honor of the great sage Vyasa, who is seen as one of the greatest spiritual masters in ancient Hindu tradition. Originally, the Veda is one. But Vyasa ji divided the original Veda into four, namely Sama, Yajur, Rig, Atharva, and then again they were explained in different branches like the Puranas and Upanishads. Vedic language and the subject matter are very difficult for ordinary men to understand, therefore, Vyasadeva divided them inti Puranas and Upanishads to allow common men to understand them.
According to Kathopanishad ; tad-vigyananartham sa gurum evabhigachchhet, samit-panih shrotriyam brahma-nishtham.
Means, “In order to learn the transcendental science, one must approach the bona fide spiritual master in disciplined succession, who is fixed in the Absolute Truth. Thus, it has been enjoined herewith that in order to receive that transcendental knowledge, one must approach the guru.”
Spiritual ethos means, no matter what you are doing, whether you are a king or a peasant, there is only one ultimate goal for everybody - liberation. One person who is largely responsible for this, who is of paramount significance in shaping the human consciousness is Shiva. In yogic tradition, it is said that Guru Purnima is the day that saw Shiva become the Adi Guru, or the first Guru. He began the transmission of yoga to the Saptarishis on this day. 🌺🌕🌈👁🕉🔔🌿🌻📿🌸🔱💀🍃⌛️💖🌀🔆🐍🐚🌈🌙🌷🎨🌕🙏🏻
Jai Bholenath ~ Jai Adiguru Shankar ! 🌺🌕🌈👁🕉🔔🌿🌻📿🌸🔱💀🍃⌛️💖🌀🔆🐍🐚🌈🌙🌷🎨🌕🙏🏻

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