Wednesday 16 November 2022

Enjoy every single moment.


Enjoy every single moment. The good, the bad, the beautiful, the inspiring and the not-so-inspiring and thank God through it all.
It is very easy to look upon the things that we don’t have instead of what we do. Doing this affects our joy levels and question God’s love for us as His children. But gratitude opens our eyes to see what God has done in our lives. It also helps us to be optimistic about the future and rest assured that God will keep supporting us.
Instead of looking at what others have, let’s look at what God has given us. The list of things to be thankful for this season is endless.
The year 2022 hasn’t been great for most people but There are still things to be thankful for despite all the challenges.
1. Family - have you ever wondered how life would be without them? Do you know that some people don’t even have a single family member to spend time with? When you see it in this light, you will see reasons to give God thanks concerning your family members.
2. Life and health - Never take the fact that you are alive and well for granted. We all have lost someone or heard of people dying to the pandemic. While we grief about our lost loved ones, we must thank God that we are still here.
We take our being healthy for granted a lot until we fall ill. we should thank God specifically for keeping us alive and well.
3. Shelter - How would you fare if you had no shelter and you were exposed to the weather elements 24/7? Many of us wouldn’t survive a week if we dint have a roof over our heads.
You may look at the homes of your contemporaries and try to compare your living conditions. Why not thank God for the fact that you even have shelter over you and your family first before complaining?
4. Access to God - You don’t have to go to a particular place or perform special rituals to connect with God. Why should you when He dwells in you and you in Him? The privilege that we have is so incredible.
Look back over the last year to see how God has constantly come through for you. He keeps providing for your needs, not just financially, but in every area of your life. Else, how would you have met that person or gotten that contract? God is the gift that keeps on giving, and we must be grateful for this. ✨🕉🍃🌼🌈👁🌷🏔🍂🔱💟💀🍃🌙📿⌛️🌺🍂🐍🐚🔆🍃🌀🔔🌈🍂🌸🌻🏔✨
Om Namah Shivaya - Jai Bholenath - Shubh Prabhat! ✨🕉🍃🌼🌈👁🌷🏔🍂🔱💟💀🍃🌙📿⌛️🌺🍂🐍🐚🔆🍃🌀🔔🌈🍂🌸🌻🏔✨

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