Tuesday 22 November 2022

God is present in everything.


God is present in everything. The moment you are centred, you see divinity everywhere. There is no need to go to on long pilgrimages to find the Divine. If you don’t find God here, where you are, then it is not possible anywhere else. Where the mind dissolves, Shiva is there. Be established wherever you are. The moment you are established, centered, you see that there is Divinity present everywhere. This is meditation.
One of the names of Lord Shiva is Virupaksha - meaning one who is formless yet sees all. We know that there is air all around us and we can feel the air as well. But what if the air also starts feeling you? Space is all around us, we identify space. But what if space also recognizes and feels your presence? This happens. Only we don’t know it. Scientists know this and they call it the theory of relativity.
The one who sees and that which is seen are both affected when seen. The Divine is all around you and is seeing you. He doesn’t have a form. He is the formless core of existence and the goal. He is the seer, sight and the scene. This formless Divinity is Shiva.
The word Shambo has come from the same source - to realize how beautiful the Divine is, the creation and the Self is! It is a miracle how the same consciousness ispresent in every being in this creation! There is no other miracle greater than this. How did this One become so many?
Shiva is the cause of all causes. Because of which everything is there – the tree growing, the sun rising, the wind blowing. The reason for everything happening is Shiva - because of whom everything happens and without whom, nothing happens.! Love, light & Peace ✨🌈🌺🍃🔆👁🕉🔱📿🌻🐍🍂💀🌸🌿🌙🗿🌀⌛️🌼🍃🐚🌷🔔🍂🙏🏻🌻🌈
Jai Shiva Shankar Shambhu ~ Hara Hara Mahadev ~ Shubh Prabhat ✨🌈🌺🍃🔆👁🕉🔱📿🌻🐍🍂💀🌸🌿🌙🗿🌀⌛️🌼🍃🐚🌷🔔🍂🙏🏻🌻🌈

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