Ganesha, or Ganesh, is perhaps the most beloved of Hindu God, and with little wonder as he is the God of Prosperity, The Remover of All Obstacles (Avighna), the Lord of all Gods (Ganapati), and the Bestower of Success (Siddhivinayaka). Each Ganesh temple carving, statue, or painting you see is slightly different. The elephant-faced deity Ganesha has 4 arms, showing his capable powers at helping humanity. Lord Ganesh, the Remover of Obstacles, is rich in symbolism used as spiritual guides. Each symbol associated with the elephant-headed Hindu god is viewed as a reminder to manifest the powers held within us. Ganesh, a much-beloved and worshiped deity, is the son of Lord Shiva and Parvati. He is also known as the God of wisdom, prosperity and auspiciousness.
Ganesha is almost always portrayed with an axe or Mahaparashu. The axe is symbolic primarily for cutting the bonds of attachment, though some interpretations have it that the axe is a symbol of protection for his devotees. A Mace, or Gada, is indicative of Ganesha’s decisiveness and discipline as he continuously pushes his devotees in the spiritual quest until completion. At times the Lord Ganesha is seen holding a Vajratrishula or lightning bolt. The lightning bolt symbolizes spirit over mind and mind over matter.
Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah

Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah

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