"As the waters of different rivers enters the Great Ocean, which though full on all sides remains undisturbed, like wise a person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires, can alone achieve peace, and not the man who runs after these desires & strives to satisfy such desires." ~ Bhagawat Geeta.
💀 Namaste Beautiful People, it's Transformation Tuesday!
🔱 Yes, keep your desires in control & do not hanker after these desires, be just like an Ocean & never lose your peace of mind in any of the circumstances. We see this world through our mind, if our mind is peaceful, we see this world in a Good way. But if our mind is disturbed, we may miss all the beauties around us. We shall never enjoy our life if our mind remains disturbed. Be satisfied with your present state, with what Shiva has blessed you with. Count your blessings, not troubles. Count your friends, not foes! "Let a man elevate himself by his own Self alone; let him not lower himself; for one is one's own friend, and one is one's own enemy. One is the friend of oneself when he has conquered himself; but to the unconquered self, this self stands in the position of an enemy like any external foe.". Yes, Your mind is the greatest friend and the worst enemy. If it obeys your will, if it is pure, if it is divine, it serves you in the practice of Sadhana. If it is disobedient, if it full of all sorts of desires, it prevents you from practising Sadhana. No one can prevent you from being one with Shiva. Your mind can do anything, just train it. Real pleasure is in Shiva only, He alone can make you happy for ever. Everything else comes and goes. Shiva is ever with you, think of Him always, Your mind will gradually become purer and purer.! Love, light & Peace

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev

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