Shiva is never born and he has no end. He is eternal. He is the fourth state of consciousness, known as the ' Turiya avasta' (the meditative state), that is beyond the waking, sleeping and dreaming state. There is a beautiful story related to Shiva. Once Brahma the creator, and Shri Vishnu the preserver of the Universe wanted to find Shiva and understand it completely. So Brahma said, I will go and look for his head and you find his feet. So for thousands of years Shri Vishnu went down and down to find Shiva’s feet but couldn’t find it. Brahma went up and up to find his head but couldn’t find. The meaning here is, there is no feet and no head to Shiva. There is no beginning and no end to Shiva . Finally they both met at the middle and said that they couldn’t find either. This universe is Ananta vistara (of infinite expanse). The consciousness pervading this infinite universe is also infinite and is Agneya (not knowable).

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev ~ Om Namah Shivaya

Shubh Prabhat

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