There are various kinds of impurities in the mind due to which the mental patterns fluctuate and the mind will not keep steady. We doubt gods presence and faith starts wavering. But always remember that Shiva is working things out for you, even when you don't feel it.
✨ Namaste Beautiful Souls. It's time for Weekend Vibes.
🌀 Yes, Just have faith and be thankful to Shiva, acknowledge his presence in your life. Don't forget to praise him for he is bigger than your worries and your problems. Pray to him and place your entire life in his hands. " O lord I commit my challenges to you, please show me the way through!" Tell him how much you love him. You journey of faith with Shiva requires that you immerse yourself in his love and form a relationship with him. Ask him to reveal his presence in your life. Let him transform you into a person you should be, to know him, to let him work his will into you life. "Mahadev, please rid me of these fears and give me your strength."

You can boldly face your difficulties, for he is stronger than all of them. He is the antidote to discouragement and fear. Walk tall and stand up to your situation. Develop your faith in Shiva. Faith comes from hearing lilas, stories of his greatness. Read his scriptures. Read Shiva MahaPurana and listen to his glories. Chant mantras, strotam and chalisa. Faith can be strengthened through satsang, prayer, self-purification, and meditation, and through the company of holy people, saints and sages. You can ascend the rungs of the spiritual ladder with the help of intense, unflinching faith alone. Open your heart to the divine light, the source of all knowledge, all light. Regular exercising faith can bring about growth spiritually.
Become as simple as a child. Pray from the bottom of your heart. Sit quietly and meditate for an hour. Pray about everything; tell Mahadev your needs, and don't forget to thank Him for His answers. If you do this, you will experience peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. Listen to HIS voice in your heart and surrender to his will. Whatever happens good or bad, accept it cheerfully. You will never grow in your faith if you consistently disobey his will. Perfect faith is a by product of obedience. Put yourself in a position to see Mahadev's best for your life, and your faith will soar.

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev

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