Always on a roller-coaster of feelings? How to get off it? tried just watching them all but as soon as one has gone, up comes something else! Live each emotion that you feel. It is you. Hateful, ugly, unworthy ; whatever it is, actually be in it. First give the emotions a chance to come totally up into the conscious. Right now, by your effort of watchfulness you are repressing them in the unconscious. Then you get involved in your day to day work and you force them back again. That is not the way to get rid of them. Let them come out; live them, suffer them. It will be difficult and tedious but immensely rewarding. Once you have lived them, suffered them and accepted them ; that this is you, that you have not made yourself in this way so you need not condemn yourself. Once they are lived consciously, without any repression, you will be surprised that they are disappearing on their own. Their force on you is becoming less; their grip on your neck is no longer that tight. And when they are going away there may be a time when you can start watching. Once everything comes into the conscious mind it disperses, and when only the shadow is there, that is the time to become aware! love, light & peace!

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev ~ Boom Shankar
Namaste Beautiful Souls ~ Blessed Day !

Namaste Beautiful Souls ~ Blessed Day !

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