Lord Shiva is the ultimate grandmaster of yoga, most personifying the practise of yoga. As Nataraj, the lord of the dance, lord Shivas dance and gestures also reflect yoga postures. As Yogeshwar, the great lord of yoga, he rules over all aspects of yoga relative to body, mind and consciousness. Shiva is the lord of asana practice with 84 lakhs of asanas said to have derived from his movements. Shiva symbolises the immortal Prana, the undying force of eternal existence. Tantric yoga teachings about Prana relate to Shiva, who holds the inner power of pranayama. Many great yoga traditions arise from Shiva and honour him as their original guru. Most Himalayan sadhus are Shaivites. Shaivite Yoga includes the Nath traditions that form the main teachings of Hatha Yoga and Siddha Yoga. In Vedic times, Shiva was lauded as Rudra along with the Maruts, his wandering sages, and with great Rishis like Vasishta. Shiva Yogis maintain a special sacred fire in honour of this Vedic heritage.

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Har Har Mahadev
Shubh Prabhat

Shubh Prabhat

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