When you feel sad - smile! When you feel pain in the soul - share! When you feel love - don't be silent! When life is hard for you - scream! When someone offends you - forgive! When you don't want to live, Be Patient & Kneel!
Yes, he who kneels before Shiva can stand before anything. Let HIM take care of you, let him protect your life. He can do lot better with it than you can! He loves us all, open your heart and feel the divine love. He is within. He is the Hope that gently helps you back up when you fall. He is the Compassion in your heart gifting you with strength day by day. He is the Understanding that helps you on your way. He is the Joy deep within your soul, He will be with you as you weep. He will hold you always, you realise this or not. His name is like an ointment that heals the mind. It dispels ignorance and enlightens the mind with spiritual wisdom. In the company of holy people, you will find Shiva. His image is securely placed in the human body. He exists deep within each heart. He will protect you from all evil. He will stabilise your rocky boat called life. He will answer your prayers. Do not be impatient, Have faith in Him, he is ever watching over you! Pray to him and he will ease all your fears!
Yes, he who kneels before Shiva can stand before anything. Let HIM take care of you, let him protect your life. He can do lot better with it than you can! He loves us all, open your heart and feel the divine love. He is within. He is the Hope that gently helps you back up when you fall. He is the Compassion in your heart gifting you with strength day by day. He is the Understanding that helps you on your way. He is the Joy deep within your soul, He will be with you as you weep. He will hold you always, you realise this or not. His name is like an ointment that heals the mind. It dispels ignorance and enlightens the mind with spiritual wisdom. In the company of holy people, you will find Shiva. His image is securely placed in the human body. He exists deep within each heart. He will protect you from all evil. He will stabilise your rocky boat called life. He will answer your prayers. Do not be impatient, Have faith in Him, he is ever watching over you! Pray to him and he will ease all your fears!

Love, Happiness & Peace ~ Shivoham Shivoham!!!

Shubh Prabhat

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