In Hinduism, God is one as well as many. In His highest and undifferentiated aspect, He is the unknown and indescribable primeval consciousness, known as Nirguna Brahman or Brahman without qualities. Under some mysterious circumstances, part of Him becomes active and distinguishes itself as Saguna Brahman or Brahman with qualities. He is the awakened Brahman and referred in the scriptures as Ishwara or Lord of the Universe. He is to be found every where and in every thing. He is there in the sky, in the rivers, in the plants and trees and even in a particle of dust. He is an enigma, because He is in many things at a time and is many things at a time. He is visible as well as invisible. He is here and He is there. He is above and He is below. He is the self and also the not-self.
Rigveda clearly states that there is one God whom we call by various names. God is one, forms are many. In the form of Vishnu, the preserver. In the form of Brahma, the creator, and in the form of Shiva, the destroyer. Shiva, Vishnu, Surya, Durga, Kali, Ganesha or Hanuman, all are numerous forms of one God to preserve the universe. Due to the differences in individual dispositions, people follow different paths, but he is the only destination of all, One Brahman.
Similarly Bhagwat Geeta states ~ "Whatever form a devotee desires to worship with deep faith, I stabilize his faith firmly in that form".
Similarly Bhagwat Geeta states ~ "Whatever form a devotee desires to worship with deep faith, I stabilize his faith firmly in that form".
God is everywhere and in everything. Hinduism recognizes this fundamental truth about God in letter and spirit. The whole universe is sacred, permeated by His presence, radiating His glory, sustained by Him and manifested by Him. Every thing in it and every aspect of it, without an exception, is sacred and worthy of worship.

Hari Om Tat Sat ~ Jai Shiva Shakti Namah
Shubh Ratri Divine Souls

Shubh Ratri Divine Souls

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