“Shiva was never interested in being a king, inasmuch as it meant flaunting expensive adornments, and holding Darbar meetings to feed one’s own ego.Though in a distant past, He had been born as a royal scion Himself, He was said to have spurned a kingdom in favour of quiet asceticism.”
“Really?” asked Shaunaka. “What kingdom was that?”
“Ah, you take me through the annals of divine time itself.
A time, when Shiva was born as Rudra, a son to God Brahma.
And Brahma had a kingdom far more beautiful than any mortal king could dream of. Verily, Brahma was the original dreamer, and the land of His dreams was very beautiful indeed. Shiva was scion to all that.”
“But I always thought of Shiva as an ascetic!” Shaunaka exclaimed.
“Yes. He was quite the mendicant even in the palace, whilst Rama was full of kingship even in exile,” replied Suta.
"So, how did this happen, Gurudeva? How did Brahma become Shiva's father? "
He saw Brahma meditating on one leg, and uttering His name, “Shiva Shiva Shiva.”
Brahma meditated for almost an eternity to propitiate Him, before Shiva presented Himself and granted Him a wish; any wish.
“Be born as my son, O Lord of Lords,” asked Brahma, and at the time Shiva thought it would be a good idea. “Why not have a father and see?” He thought. “Why always be the World father?” as He mumbled, “Tat Asthu…:
“Really?” asked Shaunaka. “What kingdom was that?”
“Ah, you take me through the annals of divine time itself.
A time, when Shiva was born as Rudra, a son to God Brahma.
And Brahma had a kingdom far more beautiful than any mortal king could dream of. Verily, Brahma was the original dreamer, and the land of His dreams was very beautiful indeed. Shiva was scion to all that.”
“But I always thought of Shiva as an ascetic!” Shaunaka exclaimed.
“Yes. He was quite the mendicant even in the palace, whilst Rama was full of kingship even in exile,” replied Suta.
"So, how did this happen, Gurudeva? How did Brahma become Shiva's father? "
He saw Brahma meditating on one leg, and uttering His name, “Shiva Shiva Shiva.”
Brahma meditated for almost an eternity to propitiate Him, before Shiva presented Himself and granted Him a wish; any wish.
“Be born as my son, O Lord of Lords,” asked Brahma, and at the time Shiva thought it would be a good idea. “Why not have a father and see?” He thought. “Why always be the World father?” as He mumbled, “Tat Asthu…:
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